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"Компиляция модуля. symbol not found"
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Форум Программирование под UNIX (Компиляция)
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"Компиляция модуля. symbol not found"  +/
Сообщение от kernelpanic (??) on 19-Июн-12, 16:47 
insmod вернул -1, в dmesg:
Unknown symbol kset_find_obj (err 0)

Код - пример из kernel/samples/kobject. Добавил туда kset_find_obj, чтобы найти объект из примера, код:

* Sample kset and ktype implementation
* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Novell Inc.
* Released under the GPL version 2 only.
#include <linux/kobject.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/sysfs.h>
#include <linux/slab.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/init.h>

* This module shows how to create a kset in sysfs called
* /sys/kernel/kset-example
* Then tree kobjects are created and assigned to this kset, "foo", "baz",
* and "bar".  In those kobjects, attributes of the same name are also
* created and if an integer is written to these files, it can be later
* read out of it.

* This is our "object" that we will create a few of and register them with
* sysfs.
struct foo_obj {
    struct kobject kobj;
    int foo;
    int baz;
    int bar;
#define to_foo_obj(x) container_of(x, struct foo_obj, kobj)

/* a custom attribute that works just for a struct foo_obj. */
struct foo_attribute {
    struct attribute attr;
    ssize_t (*show)(struct foo_obj *foo, struct foo_attribute *attr, char *buf);
    ssize_t (*store)(struct foo_obj *foo, struct foo_attribute *attr, const char *buf, size_t count);
#define to_foo_attr(x) container_of(x, struct foo_attribute, attr)

* The default show function that must be passed to sysfs.  This will be
* called by sysfs for whenever a show function is called by the user on a
* sysfs file associated with the kobjects we have registered.  We need to
* transpose back from a "default" kobject to our custom struct foo_obj and
* then call the show function for that specific object.
static ssize_t foo_attr_show(struct kobject *kobj,
                 struct attribute *attr,
                 char *buf)
    struct foo_attribute *attribute;
    struct foo_obj *foo;

    attribute = to_foo_attr(attr);
    foo = to_foo_obj(kobj);

    if (!attribute->show)
        return -EIO;

    return attribute->show(foo, attribute, buf);

* Just like the default show function above, but this one is for when the
* sysfs "store" is requested (when a value is written to a file.)
static ssize_t foo_attr_store(struct kobject *kobj,
                  struct attribute *attr,
                  const char *buf, size_t len)
    struct foo_attribute *attribute;
    struct foo_obj *foo;

    attribute = to_foo_attr(attr);
    foo = to_foo_obj(kobj);

    if (!attribute->store)
        return -EIO;

    return attribute->store(foo, attribute, buf, len);

/* Our custom sysfs_ops that we will associate with our ktype later on */
static const struct sysfs_ops foo_sysfs_ops = {
    .show = foo_attr_show,
    .store = foo_attr_store,

* The release function for our object.  This is REQUIRED by the kernel to
* have.  We free the memory held in our object here.
* NEVER try to get away with just a "blank" release function to try to be
* smarter than the kernel.  Turns out, no one ever is...
static void foo_release(struct kobject *kobj)
    struct foo_obj *foo;

    foo = to_foo_obj(kobj);

* The "foo" file where the .foo variable is read from and written to.
static ssize_t foo_show(struct foo_obj *foo_obj, struct foo_attribute *attr,
            char *buf)
    return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", foo_obj->foo);

static ssize_t foo_store(struct foo_obj *foo_obj, struct foo_attribute *attr,
             const char *buf, size_t count)
    sscanf(buf, "%du", &foo_obj->foo);
    return count;

static struct foo_attribute foo_attribute =
    __ATTR(foo, 0666, foo_show, foo_store);

* More complex function where we determine which variable is being accessed by
* looking at the attribute for the "baz" and "bar" files.
static ssize_t b_show(struct foo_obj *foo_obj, struct foo_attribute *attr,
              char *buf)
    int var;

    if (strcmp(attr->, "baz") == 0)
        var = foo_obj->baz;
        var = foo_obj->bar;
    return sprintf(buf, "%d\n", var);

static ssize_t b_store(struct foo_obj *foo_obj, struct foo_attribute *attr,
               const char *buf, size_t count)
    int var;

    sscanf(buf, "%du", &var);
    if (strcmp(attr->, "baz") == 0)
        foo_obj->baz = var;
        foo_obj->bar = var;
    return count;

static struct foo_attribute baz_attribute =
    __ATTR(baz, 0666, b_show, b_store);
static struct foo_attribute bar_attribute =
    __ATTR(bar, 0666, b_show, b_store);

* Create a group of attributes so that we can create and destroy them all
* at once.
static struct attribute *foo_default_attrs[] = {
    NULL,    /* need to NULL terminate the list of attributes */

* Our own ktype for our kobjects.  Here we specify our sysfs ops, the
* release function, and the set of default attributes we want created
* whenever a kobject of this type is registered with the kernel.
static struct kobj_type foo_ktype = {
    .sysfs_ops = &foo_sysfs_ops,
    .release = foo_release,
    .default_attrs = foo_default_attrs,

static struct kset *example_kset;
static struct foo_obj *foo_obj;
static struct foo_obj *bar_obj;
static struct foo_obj *baz_obj;
static struct foo_obj *kobj;

static struct foo_obj *create_foo_obj(const char *name)
    struct foo_obj *foo;
    int retval;

    /* allocate the memory for the whole object */
    foo = kzalloc(sizeof(*foo), GFP_KERNEL);
    if (!foo)
        return NULL;

     * As we have a kset for this kobject, we need to set it before calling
     * the kobject core.
    foo->kobj.kset = example_kset;

     * Initialize and add the kobject to the kernel.  All the default files
     * will be created here.  As we have already specified a kset for this
     * kobject, we don't have to set a parent for the kobject, the kobject
     * will be placed beneath that kset automatically.
    retval = kobject_init_and_add(&foo->kobj, &foo_ktype, NULL, "%s", name);
    if (retval) {
        return NULL;

     * We are always responsible for sending the uevent that the kobject
     * was added to the system.
    kobject_uevent(&foo->kobj, KOBJ_ADD);

    return foo;

static void destroy_foo_obj(struct foo_obj *foo)

static int __init example_init(void)
     * Create a kset with the name of "kset_example",
     * located under /sys/kernel/
    example_kset = kset_create_and_add("kset_example", NULL, kernel_kobj);
    if (!example_kset)
        return -ENOMEM;

     * Create three objects and register them with our kset
    foo_obj = create_foo_obj("foo");
    if (!foo_obj)
        goto foo_error;

    bar_obj = create_foo_obj("bar");
    if (!bar_obj)
        goto bar_error;

    baz_obj = create_foo_obj("baz");
    if (!baz_obj)
        goto baz_error;
    kobj = kset_find_obj(example_kset, "foo");
    if (kobj) {
        printk(KERN_ERR " ! found kobj !\n");

    return 0;

    return -EINVAL;

static void __exit example_exit(void)

MODULE_AUTHOR("Greg Kroah-Hartman <>");

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1. "Компиляция модуля. symbol not found"  +/
Сообщение от Alex_S (??) on 20-Июн-12, 06:20 
> insmod вернул -1, в dmesg:
> Unknown symbol kset_find_obj (err 0)
> Код - пример из kernel/samples/kobject. Добавил туда kset_find_obj, чтобы найти объект
> из примера, код:

ну поискать можно в ядре - где символ объявлен, при каких установках конфига экспортируется.

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2. "Компиляция модуля. symbol not found"  +/
Сообщение от kernelpanic (??) on 20-Июн-12, 19:45 
Нашёл причину - функция почему-то отсутствует в Module.symvers.
Я бы добавил вручную, но нужен адрес.
На другом ядре при сборке генерится Module.symvers, и там эта функция (kset_find_obj) отсутствует.
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3. "Компиляция модуля. symbol not found"  +/
Сообщение от pavlinux (ok) on 24-Июн-12, 07:45 
> Нашёл причину - функция почему-то отсутствует в Module.symvers.

Патамуша она не экспортируемая!

> На другом ядре при сборке генерится Module.symvers, и там эта функция (kset_find_obj) отсутствует.

Патамуша она не экспортируемая!

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4. "Компиляция модуля. symbol not found"  +/
Сообщение от Alex_S (??) on 26-Июн-12, 05:46 

> Патамуша она не экспортируемая!

что не мешает сделать ее таковой, конешноже..

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5. "Компиляция модуля. symbol not found"  +/
Сообщение от pavlinux (ok) on 26-Июн-12, 21:33 
>> Патамуша она не экспортируемая!
>  что не мешает сделать ее таковой, конешноже..

Но не портабельно.

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