не получаетсья настроить wi-fi на acer'e aspire 5100
#lspci | grep Bro
06:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)Дальше собираю ядро с bcm43xx, и устанавливаю ndiswrapper и acer_acpi.
Скачиваю с сайта дрова под винду, распаовую и скрамливаю ndiswrapper:
#ndiswrapper -i /etc/windrv/bcmwl5.inf
installing bcmwl5 ...
forcing parameter IBSSGMode from 0 to 2
forcing parameter IBSSGMode from 0 to 2
forcing parameter IBSSGMode from 0 to 2
forcing parameter IBSSGMode from 0 to 2
forcing parameter IBSSGMode from 0 to 2
forcing parameter IBSSGMode from 0 to 2
#ndiswrapper -l
bcmwl5 : driver installed
device (14E4:4318) present (alternate driver: bcm43xx)
#modprobe ndiswrapper
#modprobe acer_acpi
FATAL: Error inserting acer_acpi (/lib/modules/2.6.18-gentoo-r3/extra/acer_acpi.ko): No such device
bcm43xx 399904 0
ndiswrapper 150740 0
Что не так?