Есть чем поделиться? Предложи лучше.2ffirefox
Я использую бекап с ntbackup на "старых" серверах просто до бакулы уже был планировщик со снятием слепка ОС ntbackupом и хранением на HDD этого же сервера, но бакулой прохожу по всей системе. На новых серверах работаю уже без ntbackup. Да можно Win серваки привязать к бакуле, но есть тонкости восстановления.
The default is no. If this option is set to yes, and you have the POSIX libacl installed on your system, Bacula will backup the file and directory UNIX Access Control Lists (ACL) as defined in IEEE Std 1003.1e draft 17 and "POSIX.1e" (abandoned). This feature is available on UNIX only and depends on the ACL library. Bacula is automatically compiled with ACL support if the libacl library is installed on your system (shown in config.out). While restoring the files Bacula will try to restore the ACLs, if there is no ACL support available on the system, Bacula restores the files and directories but not the ACL information. Please note, if you backup an EXT3 or XFS filesystem with ACLs, then you restore them to a different filesystem (perhaps reiserfs) that does not have ACLs, the ACLs will be ignored.
Prefix Links=yes\no
If a Where path prefix is specified for a recovery job, apply it to absolute links as well. The default is No. When set to Yes then while restoring files to an alternate directory, any absolute soft links will also be modified to point to the new alternate directory. Normally this is what is desired - i.e. everything is self consistent. However, if you wish to later move the files to their original locations, all files linked with absolute names will be broken.