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"OpenNews: 28 докладов по системам реального времени на базе ..."
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"OpenNews: 28 докладов по системам реального времени на базе ..."  
Сообщение от opennews (??) on 22-Ноя-07, 00:04 
Опубликованы ( тексты 28 докладов прозвучавших на симпозиуме "Real-Time Linux Workshop", проходившем 2-3 ноября в Австрии.

Доступные материалы:

Real-Time Linux Applications

- <a href=""><u>An Opensource Distributed Platform for the Control of the Puma 560 Manipulator</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>High-gain observers and Kalman filtering in hard real-time</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Cell/B.E. Based Robot Controller</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Autonomous Robot Running Linux for the Eurobot 2007 Competition</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Providing Support for Multimedia-Oriented Applications under Linux</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Simulink Target for Real Time Linux Extension: Hardware Control using a Wrapper for Comedi</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Simulink Target for Real Time Linux Extension: Remote Control via Command Line and Web Interface</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>A Train Position Monitoring System Based on COTS and Free Software Components</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>COTS and Free Software Components for Safety Critical Systems in Developing Countries</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Linux as a handheld OS in Lenovo</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Linux for Safety Critical Systems in IEC 61508 Context</u></a>

Real-Time Linux Networks

- <a href=""><u>A Client-Server Based Real-Time Control Tool for Complex Distributed Systems</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>UDP for real-time Linux</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Implementation of Model Based Networked Predictive Control System</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Exploiting the hard realtime features of PROFINET by a realtime capable Linux</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Real-Time CORBA performance on Linux-RT_PREMMPT</u></a>

Real-Time Linux Concepts

- <a href=""><u>LITMUS-RT: A Status Report</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Realtime capabilities of low-end PowerPC and ARM boards for embedded systems</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Evaluation of Linux rt-preempt for embedded industrial devices for Automation and Power technologies - A case study</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Assessment of the Realtime Preemption Patches (RT-Preempt) and their impact on the general purpose performance of the system</u></a>

Real-Time Linux Kernel

- <a href=""><u>PaRTiKle OS, a replacement of the core of RTLinux</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>XM-FIFO: Interdomain Communication for XtratuM</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>XtratuM for PowerPC</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Serving non real-time tasks in a reservation environment</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Lightweight RTAI for IA-32</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>The design and implementation of L4FIFO with lock-free</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Bounding disk I/O response time for real-time systems</u></a>
- <a href=""><u>Prototyping User-Oriented Addressing Model in Linux Kernel</u></a>


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1. "28 докладов по системам реального времени на базе Linux"  
Сообщение от pavlinux email(??) on 22-Ноя-07, 00:04 
>Assessment of the Realtime Preemption Patches (RT-Preempt)
>and their impact on the general purpose performance of the system

В общем спорно, особенно графики с Tektonix_a, масштабы-то разные
Да выбор Via C3 и MiniTX...

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