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"CacheXpress + Cisco = State: NOT Usable"
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"CacheXpress + Cisco = State: NOT Usable"  
Сообщение от Rinat email on 26-Мрт-07, 13:09 
Пытаюсь настроить CacheXpress. Делаю всё по мануалу:

The following will walk you through the configuring your Cisco router to use WCCP v2.

1.  Log in to your router, and enter enable mode.
2.  Enter "configure terminal" to enter configuration mode
3.  Enter "no ip wccp web- cache" to disable any current WCCP configuration. If this command
produces an error, your router may not be capable of WCCPv2. Skip to the WCCPv1 section
4.  Enter "ip wccp version 2" to ensure the router is configured for WCCPv2.
5.  Enter "ip wccp web- cache" to enable WCCP with the web- cache service.
6.  If you wish to use a password for WCCP, enter "ip wccp web- cache password” (replace with
the password you actually wish to use).
7.  A password is optional, but will increase security. Remember this password; you will need to
configure the cache later.
8.  Determine which interface you will enable redirection on. This should be the interface that is
connected to the Internet (i.e. Serial 0/ 0).
9.  Replace in the instructions below with this interface name.
10. Enter "interface” to configure this interface.
11. Enter "ip wccp web- cache redirect out".
12. Hit CTRL- Z to end configuration.

В настройках CacheXpress указываю только версию протокола (2) и Router(s) (ip cisco).
Не указываю (что указывать и зачем?):Password, Redirect List, Telnet Password, Enable Password.
ISO у меня version 12.3
В итоге получаю:

WCCP Cache-Engine information:
        Web Cache ID:
        Protocol Version:      2.0
        State:                 NOT Usable
        Initial Hash Info:     000500140000000200000001C0A80101
        Assigned Hash Info:    00000000000000000000000000000000
        Hash Allotment:        0 (0.00%)
        Packets Redirected:    0
        Connect Time:          00:00:02

Connect Time - всё время (минут через 5) обнуляется.
Что сделал не так/недоделал. Спасибо.

P.S. в ISO я чайник :(

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Сообщения по теме [Сортировка по времени, UBB]

1. "CacheXpress + Cisco = State: NOT Usable"  
Сообщение от Rinat email on 26-Мрт-07, 13:11 
Немного не так, Connect Time обрывается секунд через 20-25.
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