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"Bacula.Как указать своё время хранения для каждого jobа/запи..."
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"Bacula.Как указать своё время хранения для каждого jobа/запи..."  +/
Сообщение от Int0 email on 07-Июл-09, 14:17 
Собственно конфиг bacula-dir:
Сразу же извиняюсь за то что он достаточно большой.

Director {                            

  Name = yatagan-dir

  DIRport = 9101  

  QueryFile = "/usr/local/share/bacula/query.sql"

  WorkingDirectory = "/var/db/bacula"

  PidDirectory = "/var/run"

  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1

  Password = "****************"

  Messages = Daemon


JobDefs {

  Name = "tower.test"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Incremental

  Client = towertest-fd

  FileSet = "Towertest Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 10


Job {

  Name = "tower1-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = tower1-fd

  FileSet = "Tower1 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 10


Job {

  Name = "gate1-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = gate1-fd

  FileSet = "Gate1 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 9


Job {

  Name = "yatagan-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = yatagan-fd

  FileSet = "Yatagan Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 8


Job {

  Name = "gate2-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = gate2-fd

  FileSet = "Gate2 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 7


Job {

  Name = "gate3-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = gate3-fd

  FileSet = "Gate3 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 7


Job {

  Name = "tower2-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = tower2-fd

  FileSet = "Tower2 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 6


Job {

  Name = "tower3-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = tower3-fd

  FileSet = "Keyplat Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 5


Job {

  Name = "tower4-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = tower4-fd

  FileSet = "Tower4 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 10


Job {

  Name = "uran-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = uran-fd

  FileSet = "Uran Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 10


Job {

  Name = "gate5-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = gate5-fd

  FileSet = "Gate5 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 9


Job {

  Name = "gate6-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = gate6-fd

  FileSet = "Gate6 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 9


Job {

  Name = "tower6-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = tower6-fd

  FileSet = "Tower6 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 9


Job {

  Name = "tower7-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = tower7-fd

  FileSet = "Tower7 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 9


Job {

  Name = "tower5-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = tower5-fd

  FileSet = "Tower5 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 9


Job {

  Name = "tower8-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = tower8-fd

  FileSet = "Tower8 Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 9


Job {

  Name = "1c-fd"

  Type = Backup

  Level = Full

  Client = 1c-fd

  FileSet = "1c Set"

  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Messages = Standard

  Pool = Default

  Priority = 10


Job {
  Name = "tower9-fd"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Full
  Client = tower9-fd
  FileSet = "Tower9 Set"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Storage = fw-sd
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Priority = 10

Job {
  Name = "tower10-fd"
  Type = Backup
  Level = Full
  Client = tower10-fd
  FileSet = "Tower10 Set"
  Schedule = "WeeklyCycle"
  Storage = fw-sd
  Messages = Standard
  Pool = Default
  Priority = 10

Job {

  Name = "tower1-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Tower1 Set"                  

  Storage = fw-sd                      

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /home/goodwin/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "gate1-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Gate1 Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /home/goodwin/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "yatagan-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Yatagan Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /home/goodwin/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "gate2-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Yatagan Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /var/backups/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "gate3-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Gate3 Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /var/backups/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "tower2-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Io Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /var/backups/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "tower3-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Keyplat Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /usr/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "tower4-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Tower4 Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /usr/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "uran-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Uran Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = C:/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "gate5-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Gate5 Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /usr/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "gate6-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Gate6 Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /usr/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "tower6-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Tower6 Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /usr/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "tower7-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Tower7 Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /usr/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "tower5-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Tower5 Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /usr/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "tower8-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="Tower8 Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = /usr/bacula-restores


Job {

  Name = "1c-restore"

  Type = Restore


  FileSet="1c Set"

  Storage = fw-sd

  Pool = Default

  Messages = Standard

  Where = "C:/bacula-restores"


Job {
  Name = "tower10-restore"
  Type = Restore
  FileSet="Tower10 Set"
  Storage = fw-sd
  Pool = Default
  Messages = Standard
  Where = "C:/bacula-restores"

Job {
  Name = "tower9-restore"
  Type = Restore
  FileSet="Tower9 Set"
  Storage = fw-sd
  Pool = Default
  Messages = Standard
  Where = "C:/bacula-restores"

# List of files to be backed up

FileSet {

  Name = "Tower1 Set"

  Include {

    Options {

      signature = MD5

      compression = GZIP

    File = /usr/home/

    File = /var/mail/

    File = /usr/local/CVSme/

    File = /usr/local/CVSweb/

    File = /usr/local/CVSfuture/

    File = /var/bogofilter/

    File = /usr/local/bin/

    File = /usr/local/etc/

    File = /usr/local/certs/

    File = /usr/local/jabber/

    File = /usr/local/leafnode20/

    File = /usr/local/libdms4/

    File = /usr/local/pub/



    File = /var/mail/old/



FileSet {

Name = "Gate1 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /usr/local/bin/

    File = /usr/local/etc/

    File = /var/log/

    File = /usr/local/sbin/

    File = /etc/

    File = /home/

    File = /root/



FileSet {

Name = "Yatagan Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/

    File = /usr/local/bin/

    File = /var/log/

    File = /home/

    File = /backup/mysql/



FileSet {

Name = "Gate2 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/

    File = /usr/local/bin/

    File = /var/log/

    File = /opt/

    File = /var/db/mysql/

    File = /usr/local/www/



FileSet {

Name = "Gate3 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/

    File = /usr/local/bin/

    File = /var/log/



FileSet {

Name = "Tower2 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/

    File = /usr/local/bin/

    File = /var/log/

    File = /usr/home/

    File = /usr/local/sbin/



FileSet {

Name = "Tower3 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/

    File = /usr/local/bin/

    File = /var/log/

    File = /home/    
    File = /usr/local/apache/vhosts/
    File = /usr/local/Tomcat/

    File = /usr/local/libdms4/



FileSet {

Name = "Tower4 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/

    File = /usr/local/bin/

    File = /var/log/

    File = /usr/home/

    File = /usr/local/apache/vhosts/

    File = /usr/local/Tomcat/

    File = /usr/local/libdms4/

    File = /opt/



FileSet {
Name = "Uran Set"
  Include {
   Options {
    signature = MD5
    compression = GZIP
    File = "C:/Cron/"
    File = "C:/JRun4/servers/lib/"
    File = "C:/Program Files/"
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/
   exclude {
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2006
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2007
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2008

FileSet {

Name = "Gate5 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/

    File = /usr/local/bin/

    File = /var/log/

    File = /usr/home/



FileSet {

Name = "Gate6 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = "C:/Cron/"
    File = "C:/Program Files/"
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/
   exclude {
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2006
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2007
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2008


FileSet {

Name = "Tower6 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/



FileSet {

Name = "Tower7 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/



FileSet {

Name = "Tower5 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/



FileSet {

Name = "Tower8 Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = /etc/

    File = /usr/local/etc/



FileSet {

Name = "1c Set"

  Include {

   Options {

    signature = MD5

    compression = GZIP

    File = "C:/1п║_п▒п╟п╥я▀"



FileSet {
Name = "Tower10 Set"
  Include {
   Options {
    signature = MD5
    compression = GZIP
    File = "C:/Cron/"
    File = "C:/Program Files/"
   exclude {
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2006
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2007
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2008

FileSet {
Name = "Tower9 Set"
  Include {
   Options {
    signature = MD5
    compression = GZIP
    File = "C:/Cron/"
    File = "C:/Program Files/"
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/
   exclude {
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2006
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2007
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2008

Schedule {
  Name = "WeeklyCycle"
  Run = Full 1st sat at 22:20
  Run = Differential mon at 23:50
  Run = Incremental mon-sat at 01:05

# This schedule does the catalog. It starts after the WeeklyCycle

Schedule {

  Name = "WeeklyCycleAfterBackup"

  Run = Full sun-sat at 3:10


# Client (File Services) to backup

Client {

  Name = tower1-fd

  Address = *********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  File Retention = 8 days            # 30 days

  Job Retention = 8 days            # six months

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files


Client {

  Name = gate1-fd

  Address = ***********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

#  File Retention = 8 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 8 days            # six months

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files


Client {

  Name = yatagan-fd

  Address = ***********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files


Client {

  Name = gate2-fd

  Address = ************

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files


Client {

  Name = gate3-fd

  Address = ***********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files


Client {

  Name = tower2-fd

  Address = **********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files


Client {

  Name = tower3-fd

  Address = **********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired Jobs/Files


Client {

  Name = tower4-fd

  Address = **********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  AutoPrune = yes

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months


Client {

  Name = uran-fd

  Address = *********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  AutoPrune = yes

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months


Client {

  Name = saturn-fd

  Address = **********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  AutoPrune = yes

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months


Client {

  Name = gate6-fd

  Address = ***********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  AutoPrune = yes

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months


Client {

  Name = Tower6-fd

  Address = ***********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  AutoPrune = yes

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months


Client {

  Name = tower7-fd

  Address = ***********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  AutoPrune = yes

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months


Client {

  Name = tower5-fd

  Address = ***********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  AutoPrune = yes

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months


Client {

  Name = tower8-fd

  Address = **********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  AutoPrune = yes

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months


Client {

  Name = 1c-fd

  Address = *********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon

  AutoPrune = yes

#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days

#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months


Client {
  Name = tower10-fd
  Address = *************
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon
  AutoPrune = yes
#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days
#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months

Client {
  Name = tower-fd
  Address = *********
  FDPort = 9102
  Catalog = MyCatalog
  Password = "*********************"          # password for FileDaemon
  AutoPrune = yes
#  File Retention = 29 days            # 30 days
#  Job Retention = 1 months            # six months

Storage {

  Name = fw-sd

# Do not use "localhost" here    

  Address = **********                # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here

  SDPort = 9103

  Password = "*********************"

  Device = FileStorage

  Media Type = File


Catalog {

  Name = MyCatalog

  dbname = "bacula"; dbuser = "bacula"; dbpassword = "*****************"


Messages {

  Name = Standard

  mailcommand = "/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula: %t %e of %c %l\" %r"

  operatorcommand = "/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula: Intervention needed for %j\" %r"

  mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped            

  operator = root@localhost = mount

  console = all, !skipped, !saved

  append = "/var/db/bacula/log" = all, !skipped


Messages {

  Name = Daemon

  mailcommand = "/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -h localhost -f \"\(Bacula\) \<%r\>\" -s \"Bacula daemon message\" %r"

  mail = root@localhost = all, !skipped            

  console = all, !skipped, !saved

  append = "/var/db/bacula/log" = all, !skipped


Pool {
  Name = Default
  Pool Type = Backup
  Recycle = yes                       # Bacula can automatically recycle Volumes

  AutoPrune = yes                     # Prune expired volumes

  Volume Retention = 8 days         # one year

  Volume Use Duration = 7 days

Pool {

  Name = Scratch

  Pool Type = Backup


Console {

  Name = tray-monitor

  Password = "**************"

  CommandACL = status, .status


Ну вот возьмём к примеру клиента "Uran"

FileSet {
Name = "Uran Set"
  Include {
   Options {
    signature = MD5
    compression = GZIP
    File = "C:/Cron/"
    File = "C:/JRun4/servers/lib/"
    File = "C:/Program Files/"
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/
   exclude {
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2006
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2007
    File = C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/2008

задача: все папки кроме C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/ удалялись. А папка C:/WINNT/system32/LogFiles/W3SVC3/ сохранялась скажем на год.

Правила времени хранения бэкапа указываются для каждого клиента свои. Как это видно из конфига:

Client {

  Name = uran-fd

  Address = *********

  FDPort = 9102

  Catalog = MyCatalog

  Password = "*********************"      
  AutoPrune = yes

  File Retention = 29 days            

  Job Retention = 1 months            

В связи с этим вопрос:
Возможно ли создать для клиента отдельное дополнительное задание помимо основного, быкап с которого будет писаться на другую виртуальную ленту и иметь другое время хранения.
Как указать своё время хранения для каждой виртуальной ленты бэкапа?
Есть ли у кого примеры такой конфигурации?

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