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"UNIX xntpd configuration"
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"UNIX xntpd configuration"
Сообщение от Elena emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июн-00, 04:48  (MSK)
Can someone offer a working advise on configuring xntpd on unix (sun-solaris). I need to synchronise two internal servers. What do I need to install and configure?<br>Sorry, it's in English. I do not have Russian keyboard mapping.<br>Sincerely, Elena.
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1. "Re: UNIX xntpd configuration"
Сообщение от Z0termaNN emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июн-00, 14:39  (MSK)
: Can someone offer a working advise on configuring xntpd on unix (sun-solaris). I need to synchronise two internal servers. What do I need to install and configure?<br>: Sorry, it's in English. I do not have Russian keyboard mapping.<br>: Sincerely, Elena.<br>First of all you must be ensure that you have xntpd daemon in your systems.<br>1. edit ntp configuration file <br>( /etc/inet/ntp.conf used by default ).<br>2. put ntp startup/stop script in /etc/rcX.d <br>directories (simply make symbolic links from<br>/et/init.d/xntpd ).<br>3. startup it manually /etc/init.d/xntpd start<p>
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2. "Re: UNIX xntpd configuration"
Сообщение от Elena emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 01-Июн-00, 23:21  (MSK)
: : Can someone offer a working advise on configuring xntpd on unix (sun-solaris). I need to synchronise two internal servers. What do I need to install and configure?<br>: : Sorry, it's in English. I do not have Russian keyboard mapping.<br>: : Sincerely, Elena.<br>: First of all you must be ensure that you have xntpd daemon in your systems.<br>: 1. edit ntp configuration file <br>: ( /etc/inet/ntp.conf used by default ).<br>: 2. put ntp startup/stop script in /etc/rcX.d <br>: directories (simply make symbolic links from<br>: /et/init.d/xntpd ).<br>: 3. startup it manually /etc/init.d/xntpd start<p>>>Thank you,<br>may be you can recommend a web link with a description of xntpd and script usage(if you know any). Sincerely, Elena.<p><br>
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3. "Re: UNIX xntpd configuration"
Сообщение от oss Искать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июн-00, 05:48  (MSK)
: : : Can someone offer a working advise on configuring xntpd on unix (sun-solaris). I need to synchronise two internal servers. What do I need to install and configure?<br>: : : Sorry, it's in English. I do not have Russian keyboard mapping.<br>: : : Sincerely, Elena.<br>: : First of all you must be ensure that you have xntpd daemon in your systems.<br>: : 1. edit ntp configuration file <br>: : ( /etc/inet/ntp.conf used by default ).<br>: : 2. put ntp startup/stop script in /etc/rcX.d <br>: : directories (simply make symbolic links from<br>: : /et/init.d/xntpd ).<br>: : 3. startup it manually /etc/init.d/xntpd start<p>: >>Thank you,<br>: may be you can recommend a web link with a description of xntpd and script usage(if you know any). Sincerely, Elena.<p>NTP home:<br><p>
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4. "Re: UNIX xntpd configuration"
Сообщение от Z0termaNN emailИскать по авторуВ закладки on 02-Июн-00, 17:09  (MSK)
: : : Can someone offer a working advise on configuring xntpd on unix (sun-solaris). I need to synchronise two internal servers. What do I need to install and configure?<br>: : : Sorry, it's in English. I do not have Russian keyboard mapping.<br>: : : Sincerely, Elena.<br>: : First of all you must be ensure that you have xntpd daemon in your systems.<br>: : 1. edit ntp configuration file <br>: : ( /etc/inet/ntp.conf used by default ).<br>: : 2. put ntp startup/stop script in /etc/rcX.d <br>: : directories (simply make symbolic links from<br>: : /et/init.d/xntpd ).<br>: : 3. startup it manually /etc/init.d/xntpd start<p>: >>Thank you,<br>: may be you can recommend a web link with a description of xntpd and script usage(if you know any). Sincerely, Elena.<p>You can find all information at ntp homepage. All<br>protocol internals are described in corresponded<br>RFCs. However ntp protocol is quite complex. You<br>can also synchronize time without ntp, there is a couple of other time sync. protocols (of course<br>ntp is the most advanced one). <br>Drop me e-mail and will try to help you.<p>Regards
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