NAME device.cfinfo - devconfig configuration files SYNOPSIS device.cfinfo DESCRIPTION device.cfinfo files pass information about device configura- tion to the devconfig(1M) program. They allow devconfig(1M) to provide the user with valid ranges for dev- ice attributes. devconfig(1M) associates a device with its cfinfo file by name. For example, the device logi for the Logitec Bus Mouse has the devconfig(1M) configuration file logi.cfinfo associated with it in the DEVCONFIGHOME directory. DEVCON- FIGHOME is /usr/lib/devconfig by default and may be set in the user's environment. Below is a yaccish grammar of a cfinfo file: cfinfo_file: cfinfo_devspec EOF ; cfinfo_devspec: cfinfo_spec_list SEMICOLON ; cfinfo_spec_list: cfinfo_spec | cfinfo_spec_list cfinfo_spec ; cfinfo_spec: comment | attr_value_pair NEWLINE ; comment: POUNDSIGN | POUNDSIGN STRING ; attr_value_pair: ATTR_NAME EQUALS STRING | ATTR_OWNAME EQUALS STRING ATTR_TITLE EQUALS STRING | ATTR_CATEGORY EQUALS STRING | ATTR_INSTANCE EQUALS STRING | ATTR_CLASS EQUALS STRING | ATTR_TYPE EQUALS STRING | ATTR_REAL EQUALS STRING | ATTR_AUTO EQUALS STRING | NAME EQUALS value_spec_string ; value_spec_string: QUOTE value_spec QUOTE ; value_spec: value_type COMMA value_list ; value_type: | /* EMPTY */ TYPE_NUMERIC | TYPE_STRING | TYPE_VAR ; value_list: integer_value_list | string_value_list ; integer_value_list: INTEGER | INTEGER COLON INTEGER | INTEGER COMMA integer_value_list ; string_value_list: STRING | STRING COMMA string_value_list ; ATTR_NAME name # device name specified in driver.conf ATTR_CLASS class # device class specified in driver.conf ATTR_TYPE type # device type specified in OWconfig ATTR_OWNAME __owname__ # device name specified in OWconfig ATTR_TITLE __title__ # device title displayed by devcon- fig ATTR_CATEGORY __category__ # device category ATTR_INSTANCE __instance__ # device unit ATTR_REAL __real__ # attributes to write to driver.conf ATTR_AUTO __auto__ # self-identifying device attribute TYPE_NUMERIC numeric # precedes an integer value list TYPE_STRING string # precedes a string values list TYPE_VAR var # precedes a variable specification The first value in a value_list is the default value picked by devconfig(1M) for the attribute. An attribute name of the form __name__ is used internally by devconfig(1M). Number ranges are specified as n1:n2. An internal attribute of the type var specifies a configurable portion of a real attribute. (See examples below.) Certain internal attri- butes have an expanded form when displayed. These attributes are listed in the file abbreviations in DEVCONFIGHOME . The file abbreviations also includes a list of name mappings for certain category names. If the __real__ attribute is present, only the attribute names it specifies are written to a driver.conf file. Otherwise, all non-internal attri- butes are written. EXAMPLES Example 1: Device configuration file logi.cfinfo for the LOGITECH bus mouse. Here is the device configuration file logi.cfinfo for the LOGITECH bus mouse. The driver configuration file for this device is called logi.conf. name="logi" __owname__="pointer:0" __title__="Logitec bus mouse" __category__="pointer" class="sysbus" type="LOGI-B" buttons="var,__nbuttons__" __nbuttons__="numeric,2:3" dev="/dev/logi" intr="numeric,1","var,__irq__" __irq__="numeric,2:5" __real__="name","class","intr" ; The driver name for the LOGITECH Bus Mouse is logi. The dev- ice name in OWconfig (see the OpenWindows Desktop Reference Manual is pointer:0. The device category is pointer; the device category is displayed as pointing devices, however, since there is a category mapping for pointer in the abbre- viations file. The device class is sysbus as specified in the file /kernel/drv/classes. A device of class owin does not have a device driver associated with it. The device IPL is 1. The device IRQ is substituted by the variable __irq__ and has a range of 2 to 5. A name mapping for __irq__ exists in abbreviations and so __irq__ is displayed as Interrupt (IRQ):. The device attributes written to logi.conf are name, class, and intr as specified by the __real__" entry. The resulting entry in logi.conf is: name="logi" class="sysbus" intr=1,2; The resulting entry in OWconfig is: type="LOGI-B" buttons=3 dev="/dev/logi" class="owin" name="pointer:0"; Here is an example of a self-identifying device. name="lp" __title__="Parallel printer port" __category__="lp" class="sysbus" __auto__="string,true" ; The driver for the parallel port automatically identifies it, and devconfig(1M) treats this device as self- identifying. FILES abbreviations ATTRIBUTES See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri- butes: ____________________________________________________________ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | |_____________________________|_____________________________| | Architecture | IA | |_____________________________|_____________________________| SEE ALSO devconfig(1M), driver.conf(4), attributes(5) OpenWindows Desktop Reference Manual
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