NAME strdi - compute the determinant and inverse of a triangular matrix A. SYNOPSIS SUBROUTINE DTRDI (DA, LDA, N, DDET, JOB, INFO) SUBROUTINE STRDI (SA, LDA, N, SDET, JOB, INFO) SUBROUTINE ZTRDI (ZA, LDA, N, ZDET, JOB, INFO) SUBROUTINE CTRDI (CA, LDA, N, CDET, JOB, INFO) #include <sunperf.h> void dtrdi(double *t, int ldt, int n, double *det, int job, int *info) ; void strdi(float *t, int ldt, int n, float *det, int job, int *info) ; void ztrdi(doublecomplex *t, int ldt, int n, doublecomplex *det, int job, int *info) ; void ctrdi(complex *t, int ldt, int n, complex *det, int job, int *info) ; ARGUMENTS xA On entry, the matrix A. On exit, the inverse of the original matrix A if the inverse was requested, otherwise unchanged. LDA Leading dimension of the array A as specified in a dimension or type statement. LDA >= max(1,N). N Order of the original matrix A. N >= 0. xDET On exit, the determinant of the matrix A. The determinant is stored as b * (10 ** expon) where b is stored in DET(1) and expon is stored in DET(2). 1.0 <= |DET(1)| <= 10.0 or DET(1) = 0.0. JOB Determines which operation the subroutine will perform: 010 no determinant, inverse of lower tri- angular A 011 no determinant, inverse of upper tri- angular A 100 determinant, no inverse 110 determinant, inverse of lower triangular A 111 determinant, inverse of upper triangular A INFO On exit: INFO = 0 Subroutine completed normally. INFO * 0 Contains the index of a zero element of A if the inverse is requested and A is singular. SAMPLE PROGRAM PROGRAM TEST IMPLICIT NONE C INTEGER INDTLO, LDA, N PARAMETER (INDTLO = 110) PARAMETER (N = 5) PARAMETER (LDA = N) C DOUBLE PRECISION A(LDA,N), DET(2) INTEGER ICOL, INFO, IROW, JOB C EXTERNAL DTRDI C C Initialize the array A to store the 5x5 triangular matrix A C shown below. C C 1 C 1 -1 C A = 1 -2 1 C 1 -3 3 -1 C 1 -4 6 -4 1 C DATA A / 5*1.0D0, 8D8, -1.0D0, -2.0D0, -3.0D0, -4.0D0, $ 2*8D8, 1.0D0, 3.0D0, 6.0D0, 3*8D8, -1.0D0, $ -4.0D0, 4*8D8, 1.0D0 / C C Print the initial values of the arrays. C PRINT 1000 DO 100, IROW = 1, N PRINT 1010, (A(IROW,ICOL), ICOL = 1, IROW) 100 CONTINUE PRINT 1020 PRINT 1010, ((A(IROW,ICOL), ICOL = 1, N), IROW = 1, LDA) C C Factor the matrix in banded form. C JOB = INDTLO CALL DTRDI (A, LDA, N, DET, JOB, INFO) IF (INFO .EQ. 0) THEN PRINT 1030, DET(1) * (10.0 ** DET(2)) PRINT 1040 DO 110, IROW = 1, N PRINT 1010, (A(IROW,ICOL), ICOL = 1, IROW) 110 CONTINUE ELSE PRINT 1050, INFO END IF C 1000 FORMAT (1X, 'A in full form:') 1010 FORMAT (5(3X, F4.1)) 1020 FORMAT (/1X, 'A in triangular form: (* in unused elements)') 1030 FORMAT (/1X, 'det(A) = ', F4.1) 1040 FORMAT (/1X, 'A**(-1):') 1050 FORMAT (1X, 'A appears singular at ', I2) C END SAMPLE OUTPUT A in full form: 1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -2.0 1.0 1.0 -3.0 3.0 -1.0 1.0 -4.0 6.0 -4.0 1.0 A in triangular form: (* in unused elements) 1.0 **** **** **** **** 1.0 -1.0 **** **** **** 1.0 -2.0 1.0 **** **** 1.0 -3.0 3.0 -1.0 **** 1.0 -4.0 6.0 -4.0 1.0 det(A) = 1.0 A**(-1): 1.0 1.0 -1.0 1.0 -2.0 1.0 1.0 -3.0 3.0 -1.0 1.0 -4.0 6.0 -4.0 1.0
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