NAME ilaenv - choose problem-dependent parameters SYNOPSIS INTEGER FUNCTION ILAENV( ISPEC, NAME, OPTS, N1, N2, N3, N4 ) CHARACTER*( * ) NAME, OPTS INTEGER ISPEC, N1, N2, N3, N4 #include <sunperf.h> int ilaenv(int ispec, char *name, char *opts, int n1, int n2, int n3, int n4); PURPOSE ILAENV is called from the LAPACK routines to choose problem-dependent parameters for the local environment. See ISPEC for a description of the parameters. ARGUMENTS ISPEC (input) INTEGER Specifies the parameter to be returned as the value of ILAENV. = 1: the optimal blocksize; if this value is 1, an unblocked algorithm will give the best perfor- mance. = 2: the minimum block size for which the block routine should be used; if the usable block size is less than this value, an unblocked routine should be used. = 3: the crossover point (in a block routine, for N less than this value, an unblocked routine should be used) = 4: the number of shifts, used in the nonsym- metric eigenvalue routines = 5: the minimum column dimension for blocking to be used; rectangular blocks must have dimension at least k by m, where k is given by ILAENV(2,...) and m by ILAENV(5,...) = 6: the crossover point for the SVD (when reduc- ing an m by n matrix to bidiagonal form, if max(m,n)/min(m,n) exceeds this value, a QR factor- ization is used first to reduce the matrix to a triangular form.) = 7: the number of processors = 8: the crossover point for the multishift QR and QZ methods for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems. NAME (input) CHARACTER*(*) The name of the calling subroutine, in either upper case or lower case. OPTS (input) CHARACTER*(*) The character options to the subroutine NAME, con- catenated into a single character string. For example, UPLO = 'U', TRANS = 'T', and DIAG = 'N' for a triangular routine would be specified as OPTS = 'UTN'. N1, N2, N3, N4 (input) INTEGER Problem dimensions for the subroutine NAME; these may not all be required. >= 0: the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC < 0: if ILAENV = -k, the k-th argument had an illegal value. FURTHER DETAILS The following conventions have been used when calling ILAENV from the LAPACK routines: 1) OPTS is a concatenation of all of the character options to subroutine NAME, in the same order that they appear in the argument list for NAME, even if they are not used in determining the value of the parameter specified by ISPEC. 2) The problem dimensions N1, N2, N3, N4 are specified in the order that they appear in the argument list for NAME. N1 is used first, N2 second, and so on, and unused problem dimensions are passed a value of -1. 3) The parameter value returned by ILAENV is checked for validity in the calling subroutine. For example, ILAENV is used to retrieve the optimal blocksize for STRTRI as fol- lows: NB = ILAENV( 1, 'STRTRI', UPLO // DIAG, N, -1, -1, -1 ) IF( NB.LE.1 ) NB = MAX( 1, N ) SAMPLE PROGRAM USING C #include <sunperf.h> main() { char *s1 = "dgetri", *s2 = " "; int nb; nb = ilaenv(1, s1, s2, 2, -1, -1, -1); }
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