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SplitPath (3)
  • >> SplitPath (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         Tcl_SplitPath, Tcl_JoinPath,  Tcl_GetPathType  -  manipulate
         platform-dependent file paths
         #include <tcl.h>
         Tcl_SplitPath(path, argcPtr, argvPtr)
         char *
         Tcl_JoinPath(argc, argv, resultPtr)
         char          *path        (in)      File  path  in  a  form
                                              appropriate   for   the
                                              current  platform  (see
                                              the   filename   manual
                                              entry  for   acceptable
                                              forms for path names).
         int           *argcPtr     (out)     Filled in  with  number
                                              of   path  elements  in
         char          ***argvPtr   (out)     *argvPtr will be filled
                                              in  with the address of
                                              an array of pointers to
                                              the  strings  that  are
                                              the extracted  elements
                                              of path.  There will be
                                              *argcPtr valid  entries
                                              in  the array, followed
                                              by a NULL entry.
         int           argc         (in)      Number of  elements  in
         char          **argv       (in)      Array of path  elements
                                              to  merge together into
                                              a single path.
         Tcl_DString   *resultPtr   (in/out)  A pointer  to  an  ini-
                                              tialized Tcl_DString to
                                              which  the  result   of
                                              Tcl_JoinPath   will  be
         These procedures may be used to disassemble  and  reassemble
         file  paths  in  a platform independent manner: they provide
         C-level access to the same functionality as the file  split,
         file join, and file pathtype commands.
         Tcl_SplitPath breaks a path into its  constituent  elements,
         returning an array of pointers to the elements using argcPtr
         and argvPtr.  The area of memory pointed to by  *argvPtr  is
         dynamically allocated; in addition to the array of pointers,
         it also holds copies of all the path elements.   It  is  the
         caller's  responsibility  to  free all of this storage.  For
         example, suppose that you have called Tcl_SplitPath with the
         following code:
              int argc;
              char *path;
              char **argv;
              Tcl_SplitPath(string, &argc, &argv);
         Then you should eventually free the storage with a call like
         the following:
              Tcl_Free((char *) argv);
         Tcl_JoinPath is the inverse of  Tcl_SplitPath:  it  takes  a
         collection  of path elements given by argc and argv and gen-
         erates a result string that is a properly constructed  path.
         The  result string is appended to resultPtr.  ResultPtr must
         refer to an initialized Tcl_DString.
         If the result of Tcl_SplitPath is  passed  to  Tcl_JoinPath,
         the  result  will refer to the same location, but may not be
         in  the  same  form.   This  is  because  Tcl_SplitPath  and
         Tcl_JoinPath  eliminate duplicate path separators and return
         a normalized form for each platform.
         Tcl_GetPathType returns the  type  of  the  specified  path,
         where    Tcl_PathType    is    one   of   TCL_PATH_ABSOLUTE,
         filename  manual  entry  for a description of the path types
         for each platform.
         file, filename, join, path, split, type

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