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DtMenuButton (3)
  • >> DtMenuButton (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
  • DtMenuButton (5) ( Solaris man: Форматы файлов )
         DtMenuButton - the MenuButton widget class
         #include <Dt/MenuButton.h>
         The DtMenuButton widget is a command widget that complements
         the  menu  cascading  functionality  of  an  XmCascadeButton
         widget.  As a  complement  to  the  XmCascadeButton  widget,
         DtMenuButton  can  only  be instantiated outside a MenuPane;
         the application must use  XmCascadeButton  widget  inside  a
         The DtMenuButton widget belongs to a subclass of the XmLabel
         class.   Visually,  the  DtMenuButton  widget  consists of a
         label string and  a  menu  glyph.   The  menu  glyph  always
         appears on the right end of the widget and, by default, is a
         downward pointing arrow.
         The DtMenuButton widget has an  implicitly  created  submenu
         attached  to  it.   The  submenu is a popup MenuPane and has
         this DtMenuButton widget as its parent.   The  name  of  the
         implicitly created submenu is obtained by adding submenu_ as
         a prefix to the  name  of  this  DtMenuButton  widget.   The
         widget  ID of the submenu can be obtained by doing an XtGet-
         Values() on the DtNsubMenuId resource of  this  DtMenuButton
         widget.   The  implicitly  created  submenu must not be des-
         troyed by the user of this widget.
         The submenu can be popped up by pressing the menu post  But-
         ton  (see  the  XmNmenuPost resource of the XmRowColumn (3X)
         widget) anywhere on the DtMenuButton widget.
         Widget subclassing is not  supported  for  the  DtMenuButton
         widget class.
         The DtMenuButton widget inherits behavior and resources from
         the Core, Composite, XmPrimitive and XmLabel classes.
         The class pointer is dtMenuButtonWidgetClass.
         The class name is DtMenuButtonWidget.
      New Resources
         The following table defines a set of widget  resources  used
         by  the  application  to  specify data.  The application can
         also set the resource values for the  inherited  classes  to
         set  attributes for this widget.  To reference a resource by
         name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, the application  must
         remove  the DtN or DtC prefix and use the remaining letters.
         To specify one of the defined values for  a  resource  in  a
         .Xdefaults  file,  the application must remove the Dt prefix
         and use the remaining letters (in either lower case or upper
         case,  but  including  any  underscores between words).  The
         codes in the access column indicate if  the  given  resource
         can  be set at creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues()
         (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues() (G), or is not  appli-
         cable (N/A).
                                DtMenuButton Resource Set
         Name                 Class         Type           Default        Access
         DtNcascadingCallback DtCCallback   XtCallbackList NULL           C
         DtNcascadePixmap     DtCPixmap     Pixmap         XmUNSPECIFIED- CSG
         DtNsubMenuId         DtCMenuWidget Widget         NULL           SG
                  Specifies the list  of  callbacks  that  is  called
                  before the popping up of the attached submenu.  The
                  reason for the callback is DtCR_CASCADING.
                  Specifies the pixmap displayed as the  menu  glyph.
                  If  no  pixmap  is  specified,  a downward pointing
                  arrow is displayed.
                  Specifies the widget ID of the popup MenuPane to be
                  associated  with  this  DtMenuButton  widget.   The
                  popup MenuPane must be created with this DtMenuBut-
                  ton  as its parent.  This resource cannot be speci-
                  fied at the time of widget creation.  The  implicit
                  submenu  is automatically destroyed by DtMenuButton
                  when this resource is set.
      Inherited Resources
         The DtMenuButton widget inherits behavior and resources from
         the  following  named superclasses.  For a complete descrip-
         tion of each resource, see the man page for that superclass.
                                        XmLabel Resource Set
         Name                 Class                Type              Default         Access
         XmNaccelerator       XmCAccelerator       String            NULL            CSG
         XmNacceleratorText   XmCAcceleratorText   XmString          NULL            CSG
         XmNalignment         XmCAlignment         unsigned char     dynamic         CSG
         XmNfontList          XmCFontList          XmFontList        dynamic         CSG
         XmNlabelInsensitive- XmCLabelInsensitive- Pixmap            XmUNSPECIFIED-  CSG
            Pixmap               Pixmap                                 _PIXMAP
         XmNlabelPixmap       XmCLabelPixmap       Pixmap            XmUNSPECIFIED-  CSG
         XmNlabelString       XmCXmString          XmString          dynamic         CSG
         XmNlabelType         XmCLabelType         unsigned char     XmSTRING        CSG
         XmNmarginBottom      XmCMarginBottom      Dimension         0               CSG
         XmNmarginHeight      XmCMarginHeight      Dimension         2               CSG
         XmNmarginLeft        XmCMarginLeft        Dimension         0               CSG
         XmNmarginRight       XmCMarginRight       Dimension         0               CSG
         XmNmarginTop         XmCMarginTop         Dimension         0               CSG
         XmNmarginWidth       XmCMarginWidth       Dimension         2               CSG
         XmNmnemonic          XmCMnemonic          KeySym            NULL            CSG
         XmNmnemonicCharSet   XmCMnemonicCharSet   String            XmFONTLIST-     CSG
         XmNrecomputeSize     XmCRecomputeSize     Boolean           True            CSG
         XmNstringDirection   XmCStringDirection   XmStringDirection dynamic         CSG
                                      XmPrimitive Resource Set
         Name                  Class                 Type             Default        Access
         XmNbottom-            XmCBottom-            Pixel            dynamic        CSG
            ShadowColor           ShadowColor
         XmNbottom-            XmCBottom-            Pixmap           XmUNSPECIFIED- CSG
            ShadowPixmap          ShadowPixmap                           _PIXMAP
         XmNforeground         XmCForeground         Pixel            dynamic        CSG
         XmNhelpCallback       XmCCallback           XtCallbackList   NULL           C
         XmNhighlightColor     XmCHighlightColor     Pixel            dynamic        CSG
         XmNhighlightOnEnter   XmCHighlightOnEnter   Boolean          False          CSG
         XmNhighlightPixmap    XmCHighlightPixmap    Pixmap           dynamic        CSG
         XmNhighlightThickness XmCHighlightThickness Dimension        0              CSG
         XmNnavigationType     XmCNavigationType     XmNavigationType XmNONE         CSG
         XmNshadowThickness    XmCShadowThickness    Dimension        0              CSG
         XmNtopShadowColor     XmCTopShadowColor     Pixel            dynamic        CSG
         XmNtopShadowPixmap    XmCTopShadowPixmap    Pixmap           dynamic        CSG
         XmNtraversalOn        XmCTraversalOn        Boolean          False          CSG
         XmNunitType           XmCUnitType           unsigned char    dynamic        CSG
         XmNuserData           XmCUserData           XtPointer        NULL           CSG
                                          Core Resource Set
         Name                 Class                Type           Default             Access
         XmNaccelerators      XmCAccelerators      XtAccelerators dynamic             CSG
         XmNancestorSensitive XmCSensitive         Boolean        dynamic             G
         XmNbackground        XmCBackground        Pixel          dynamic             CSG
         XmNbackgroundPixmap  XmCPixmap            Pixmap         XmUNSPECIFIED-      CSG
         XmNborderColor       XmCBorderColor       Pixel          XtDefaultForeground CSG
         XmNborderPixmap      XmCPixmap            Pixmap         XmUNSPECIFIED-      CSG
         XmNborderWidth       XmCBorderWidth       Dimension      0                   CSG
         XmNcolormap          XmCColormap          Colormap       dynamic             CG
         XmNdepth             XmCDepth             int            dynamic             CG
         XmNdestroyCallback   XmCCallback          XtCallbackList NULL                C
         XmNheight            XmCHeight            Dimension      dynamic             CSG
         XmNinitialResources- XmCInitialResources- Boolean        True                C
            Persistent           Persistent
         XmNmappedWhen-       XmCMappedWhen-       Boolean        True                CSG
            Managed              Managed
         XmNscreen            XmCScreen            Screen *       dynamic             CG
         XmNsensitive         XmCSensitive         Boolean        True                CSG
         XmNtranslations      XmCTranslations      XtTranslations dynamic             CSG
         XmNwidth             XmCWidth             Dimension      dynamic             CSG
         XmNx                 XmCPosition          Position       0                   CSG
         XmNy                 XmCPosition          Position       0                   CSG
      Callback Information
         A pointer to the  following  structure  is  passed  to  each
         DtMenuButton callback:
              typedef struct {
                  int     reason;
                  XEvent  *event;
              } XmAnyCallbackStruct;
         The reason argument indicates why the callback was  invoked;
         it is always DtCR_CASCADING when the DtNcascadingCallback is
         The event argument points to the XEvent that  triggered  the
         callback  or  NULL  if  the callback was not triggered by an
         DtCreateMenuButton(3X), Core(3X), XmLabel(3X),
         XmPrimitive(3X), XmRowColumn(3X), XtGetValues(3X),

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