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Интерактивная система просмотра системных руководств (man-ов)

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CrtSlave (3)
  • >> CrtSlave (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
  • CrtSlave (3) ( Разные man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         Tcl_IsSafe,  Tcl_MakeSafe,  Tcl_CreateSlave,   Tcl_GetSlave,
         Tcl_GetMaster,      Tcl_GetInterpPath,      Tcl_CreateAlias,
         Tcl_CreateAliasObj,      Tcl_GetAlias,      Tcl_GetAliasObj,
         Tcl_ExposeCommand,  Tcl_HideCommand  -  manage  multiple Tcl
         interpreters, aliases and hidden commands.
         #include <tcl.h>
         Tcl_Interp *
         Tcl_CreateSlave(interp, slaveName, isSafe)
         Tcl_Interp *
         Tcl_GetSlave(interp, slaveName)
         Tcl_Interp *
         Tcl_GetInterpPath(askingInterp, slaveInterp)
         int                                                           |
         Tcl_CreateAlias(slaveInterp, srcCmd, targetInterp, targetCmd, argc, argv)|
         int                                                           |
         Tcl_CreateAliasObj(slaveInterp, srcCmd, targetInterp, targetCmd, objc, objv)|
         Tcl_GetAlias(interp, srcCmd, targetInterpPtr, targetCmdPtr, argcPtr, argvPtr)
         int                                                           |
         Tcl_GetAliasObj(interp, srcCmd, targetInterpPtr, targetCmdPtr, objcPtr, objvPtr)|
         int                                                           |
         Tcl_ExposeCommand(interp, hiddenCmdName, cmdName)             |
         int                                                           |
         Tcl_HideCommand(interp, cmdName, hiddenCmdName)               |
    ARGUMENTS                                                          |
         Tcl_Interp             *interp           (in)                      ||
                                                            Inter-  |
                                                            preter in  |
                                                            which  to  |
                                                            execute  |
                                                            the  |
                                                            specified  |
                                                            command.   |
         char                   *slaveName        (in)                      ||
                                                            Name   of  |
                                                            slave  |
                                                            inter-  |
                                                            preter to  |
                                                            create or  |
                                                            manipu-  |
                                                            late.      |
         int                    isSafe            (in)                      ||
                                                            If   non-  |
                                                            zero,   a  |
                                                            ``safe''  |
                                                            slave  |
                                                            that   is  |
                                                            suitable  |
                                                            for  run-  |
                                                            ning  |
                                                            untrusted  |
                                                            code   is  |
                                                            created,  |
                                                            otherwise  |
                                                            a trusted  |
                                                            slave  is  |
                                                            created.   |
         Tcl_Interp             *slaveInterp      (in)                      ||
                                                            Inter-  |
                                                            preter to  |
                                                            use   for  |
                                                            creating  |
                                                            the  |
                                                            source  |
                                                            command  |
                                                            for    an  |
                                                            alias  |
                                                            (see  |
                                                            below).    |
         char                   *srcCmd           (in)                      ||
                                                            Name   of  |
                                                            source  |
                                                            command  |
                                                            for  |
                                                            alias.     |
         Tcl_Interp             *targetInterp     (in)                      ||
                                                            Inter-  |
                                                            preter  |
                                                            that con-  |
                                                            tains the  |
                                                            target  |
                                                            command  |
                                                            for    an  |
                                                            alias.     |
         char                   *targetCmd        (in)                      ||
                                                            Name   of  |
                                                            target  |
                                                            command  |
                                                            for alias  |
                                                            in   tar-  |
                                                            getIn-  |
                                                            terp.      |
         int                    argc              (in)                      ||
                                                            Count  of  |
                                                            addi-  |
                                                            tional  |
                                                            arguments  |
                                                            to   pass  |
                                                            to    the  |
                                                            alias  |
                                                            command.   |
         char                   **argv            (in)                      ||
                                                            Vector of  |
                                                            strings,  |
                                                            the addi-  |
                                                            tional  |
                                                            arguments  |
                                                            to   pass  |
                                                            to    the  |
                                                            alias  |
                                                            command.  |
                                                            This  |
                                                            storage  |
                                                            is  owned  |
                                                            by    the  |
                                                            caller.    |
         int                    objc              (in)                      ||
                                                            Count  of  |
                                                            addi-  |
                                                            tional  |
                                                            object  |
                                                            arguments  |
                                                            to   pass  |
                                                            to    the  |
                                                            alias  |
                                                            object  |
                                                            command.   |
         Tcl_Object             **objv            (in)                      ||
                                                            Vector of  |
                                                            Tcl_Obj  |
                                                            struc-  |
                                                            tures,  |
                                                            the addi-  |
                                                            tional  |
                                                            object  |
                                                            argumenst  |
                                                            to   pass  |
                                                            to    the  |
                                                            alias  |
                                                            object  |
                                                            command.  |
                                                            This  |
                                                            storage  |
                                                            is  owned  |
                                                            by    the  |
                                                            caller.    |
         Tcl_Interp             **targetInterpPtr (in)                      ||
                                                            Pointer  |
                                                            to  loca-  |
                                                            tion   to  |
                                                            store the  |
                                                            address  |
                                                            of    the  |
                                                            inter-  |
                                                            preter  |
                                                            where   a  |
                                                            target  |
                                                            command  |
                                                            is  |
                                                            defined  |
                                                            for    an  |
                                                            alias.     |
         char                   **targetCmdPtr    (out)                     ||
                                                            Pointer  |
                                                            to  loca-  |
                                                            tion   to  |
                                                            store the  |
                                                            address  |
                                                            of    the  |
                                                            name   of  |
                                                            the  tar-  |
                                                            get  |
                                                            command  |
                                                            for    an  |
                                                            alias.     |
         int                    *argcPtr          (out)                     ||
                                                            Pointer  |
                                                            to  loca-  |
                                                            tion   to  |
                                                            store  |
                                                            count  of  |
                                                            addi-  |
                                                            tional  |
                                                            arguments  |
                                                            to     be  |
                                                            passed to  |
                                                            the  |
                                                            alias.  |
                                                            The loca-  |
                                                            tion   is  |
                                                            in  |
                                                            storage  |
                                                            owned  by  |
                                                            the  |
                                                            caller.    |
         char                   ***argvPtr        (out)                     ||
                                                            Pointer  |
                                                            to  loca-  |
                                                            tion   to  |
                                                            store   a  |
                                                            vector of  |
                                                            strings,  |
                                                            the addi-  |
                                                            tional  |
                                                            arguments  |
                                                            to   pass  |
                                                            to     an  |
                                                            alias.  |
                                                            The loca-  |
                                                            tion   is  |
                                                            in  |
                                                            storage  |
                                                            owned  by  |
                                                            the  |
                                                            caller,  |
                                                            the  vec-  |
                                                            tor    of  |
                                                            strings  |
                                                            is  owned  |
                                                            by    the  |
                                                            called  |
                                                            function.  |
         int                    *objcPtr          (out)                     ||
                                                            Pointer  |
                                                            to  loca-  |
                                                            tion   to  |
                                                            store  |
                                                            count  of  |
                                                            addi-  |
                                                            tional  |
                                                            object  |
                                                            arguments  |
                                                            to     be  |
                                                            passed to  |
                                                            the  |
                                                            alias.  |
                                                            The loca-  |
                                                            tion   is  |
                                                            in  |
                                                            storage  |
                                                            owned  by  |
                                                            the  |
                                                            caller.    |
         Tcl_Obj                ***objvPtr        (out)                     ||
                                                            Pointer  |
                                                            to  loca-  |
                                                            tion   to  |
                                                            store   a  |
                                                            vector of  |
                                                            Tcl_Obj  |
                                                            struc-  |
                                                            tures,  |
                                                            the addi-  |
                                                            tional  |
                                                            arguments  |
                                                            to   pass  |
                                                            to     an  |
                                                            object  |
                                                            alias  |
                                                            command.  |
                                                            The loca-  |
                                                            tion   is  |
                                                            in  |
                                                            storage  |
                                                            owned  by  |
                                                            the  |
                                                            caller,  |
                                                            the  vec-  |
                                                            tor    of  |
                                                            Tcl_Obj  |
                                                            struc-  |
                                                            tures  is  |
                                                            owned  by  |
                                                            the  |
                                                            called  |
                                                            function.  |
         char                   *cmdName          (in)                      ||
                                                            Name   of  |
                                                            an  |
                                                            exposed  |
                                                            command  |
                                                            to   hide  |
                                                            or  |
                                                            create.    |
         char                   *hiddenCmdName    (in)                      ||
                                                            Name  |
                                                            under  |
                                                            which   a  |
                                                            hidden  |
                                                            command  |
                                                            is stored  |
                                                            and  with  |
                                                            which  it  |
                                                            can    be  |
                                                            exposed  |
                                                            or  |
         These procedures are intended for  access  to  the  multiple
         interpreter  facility  from  inside  C programs. They enable
         managing multiple interpreters in a  hierarchical  relation-
         ship,  and  the  management  of  aliases, commands that when
         invoked in one interpreter  execute  a  command  in  another
         interpreter.  The  return  value  for  those procedures that
         return an int is either TCL_OK or TCL_ERROR. If TCL_ERROR is
         returned  then  the result field of the interpreter contains
         an error message.
         Tcl_CreateSlave creates a new  interpreter  as  a  slave  of
         interp.   It also creates a slave command named slaveName in
         interp which allows interp to manipulate the new  slave.  If
         isSafe is zero, the command creates a trusted slave in which
         Tcl code has access to all the Tcl commands.  If  it  is  1,
         the  command  creates a ``safe'' slave in which Tcl code has
         access only to set of Tcl commands defined as ``Safe  Tcl'';
         see the manual entry for the Tcl interp command for details.
         If the creation of the new slave interpreter failed, NULL is
         Tcl_IsSafe returns 1 if interp is ``safe'' (was created with
         the TCL_SAFE_INTERPRETER flag specified), 0 otherwise.
         Tcl_MakeSafe makes interp ``safe'' by removing all  non-core
         and  core  unsafe  functionality. Note that if you call this
         after adding some extension to an interpreter, all traces of
         that extension will be removed from the interpreter.
         Tcl_GetSlave returns a pointer to  a  slave  interpreter  of
         interp.  The  slave  interpreter is identified by slaveName.
         If no such slave interpreter exists, NULL is returned.
         Tcl_GetMaster returns a pointer to the master interpreter of
         interp.  If  interp  has no master (it is a top-level inter-
         preter) then NULL is returned.
         Tcl_GetInterpPath sets the result field in  askingInterp  to
         the  relative  path  between  askingInterp  and slaveInterp;
         slaveInterp must be a slave of askingInterp. If the computa-
         tion of the relative path succeeds, TCL_OK is returned, else
         TCL_ERROR is returned and the result field  in  askingInterp
         contains the error message.
         Tcl_CreateAlias creates an object command  named  srcCmd  in  |
         slaveInterp  that  when invoked, will cause the command tar-  |
         getCmd to be invoked in targetInterp. The  arguments  speci-  |
         fied  by  the strings contained in argv are always prepended  |
         to any arguments supplied in the invocation  of  srcCmd  and  |
         passed  to  targetCmd.   This operation returns TCL_OK if it  |
         succeeds, or TCL_ERROR if it fails; in that case,  an  error  |
         message  is  left in the object result of slaveInterp.  Note  |
         that there are no restrictions on the ancestry  relationship  |
         (as created by Tcl_CreateSlave) between slaveInterp and tar-  |
         getInterp. Any two interpreters can  be  used,  without  any  |
         restrictions on how they are related.                         |
         Tcl_CreateAliasObj is similar to Tcl_CreateAlias except that  |
         it takes a vector of objects to pass as additional arguments  |
         instead of a vector of strings.
         Tcl_GetAlias returns information about an alias aliasName in
         interp.  Any of the result fields can be NULL, in which case
         the corresponding datum is not returned. If a  result  field
         is non-NULL, the address indicated is set to the correspond-
         ing datum.  For example, if targetNamePtr is non-NULL it  is
         set  to  a  pointer to the string containing the name of the
         target command.                                               |
         Tcl_GetAliasObj is similar to Tcl_GetAlias  except  that  it  |
         returns  a pointer to a vector of Tcl_Obj structures instead  |
         of a vector of strings.                                       |
         Tcl_ExposeCommand moves the command named hiddenCmdName from  |
         the  set  of hidden commands to the set of exposed commands,  |
         putting it under the name cmdName. HiddenCmdName must be the  |
         name  of  an  existing hidden command, or the operation will  |
         return TCL_ERROR and leave an error message  in  the  result  |
         field  in  interp.   If  an  exposed  command  named cmdName  |
         already exists, the operation returns TCL_ERROR  and  leaves  |
         an  error  message  in  the object result of interp.  If the  |
         operation succeeds, it returns TCL_OK.  After executing this  |
         command,  attempts  to  use cmdName in a call to Tcl_Eval or  |
         with the Tcl eval command will again succeed.                 |
         Tcl_HideCommand moves the command named cmdName from the set  |
         of exposed commands to the set of hidden commands, under the  |
         name hiddenCmdName.  CmdName must be the name of an existing  |
         exposed  command, or the operation will return TCL_ERROR and  |
         leave an error message  in  the  object  result  of  interp.  |
         Currently  both  cmdName  and hiddenCmdName must not contain  |
         namespace qualifiers, or the operation will return TCL_ERROR  |
         and  leave  an error message in the object result of interp.  |
         The CmdName will be looked up in the global  namespace,  and  |
         not  relative  to the current namespace, even if the current  |
         namespace is not the global one.  If a hidden command  whose  |
         name  is  hiddenCmdName  already  exists, the operation also  |
         returns TCL_ERROR and the result field in interp contains an  |
         error  message.   If  the  operation  succeeds,  it  returns  |
         TCL_OK.  After  executing  this  command,  attempts  to  use  |
         cmdName  in  a call to Tcl_Eval or with the Tcl eval command  |
         will fail.                                                    |
    SEE ALSO                                                           |
         For a description of the Tcl interface  to  multiple  inter-  |
         preters, see interp(n).                                       |
    KEYWORDS                                                           |
         alias, command, exposed commands,  hidden  commands,  inter-  |
         preter, invoke, master, slave,                                |

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