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Concat (3)
  • >> Concat (3) ( Solaris man: Библиотечные вызовы )
         Tcl_Concat - concatenate a collection of strings
         #include <tcl.h>
         char *
         Tcl_Concat(argc, argv)
         int          argc               (in)      Number of strings.
         char         *argv[]            (in)      Array  of  strings
                                                   to    concatenate.
                                                   Must   have   argc
         Tcl_Concat is a utility procedure used by several of the Tcl
         commands.   Given  a  collection of strings, it concatenates
         them together  into  a  single  string,  with  the  original
         strings  separated  by  spaces.  This procedure behaves dif-
         ferently than Tcl_Merge, in that the  arguments  are  simply
         concatenated:   no  effort  is  made  to  ensure proper list
         structure.  However, in most common usage the arguments will
         all  be  proper lists themselves;  if this is true, then the
         result will also have proper list structure.
         Tcl_Concat eliminates leading and trailing white space as it
         copies  strings  from  argv to the result.  If an element of
         argv consists of nothing but white space, then  that  string
         is  ignored entirely.  This white-space removal was added to
         make the output of the concat command cleaner-looking.
         The result string is dynamically allocated using  Tcl_Alloc;  |
         the  caller  must  eventually  release  the space by calling  |
         Tcl_Free.                                                     |
    SEE ALSO                                                           |
         Tcl_ConcatObj                                                 |
    KEYWORDS                                                           |
         concatenate, strings                                          |

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