To stop a flood of ScrlWhatever widgets Perl/Tk introcuded the special
constructor Scrolled. Scrolled creates a widget of the given Class
Whatever with attached scrollbar(s).
All options beside -scrollbars explained below are passed to
the Whatever widget constructor.
Expects as argument the position where the scrollbars should be
created: w, e or n, s or a combination of
them. If the one or both positions are prefixed with o the
scrollbar will only show up if there is a 'real' need to scroll.
See ``Subwidget'' in Tk::mega how to use advertised widgets.
the scrolled widget
same as scrolled above. widget is the kind of widget passed
to scrolled as first argument in all lowercase.
the Scrollbar widget used for horizontal scrolling (if it exists)
the Scrollbar widget used for vertical scrolling (if it exists)
a frame in the corner between the vertical and horizontal scrolbar
If a widget does not support -{x,y}scrollcommand options,
Scrolled does not complain if the specified widget class does
not support them. E.g.,
$parent->Scrolled('Button', ...)
One does not get an error message or warning when one tries to
configure scrollbars after the widget construction: