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workspace (1)
  • >> workspace (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         workspace - manipulate TeamWare workspaces
         workspace command args ...
         The  workspace  command  manipulates  TeamWare   workspaces.
         TeamWare was formerly known as CodeManager. A workspace is a
         directory that contains a subdirectory named  Codemgr_wsdata
         used by teamware to store information about that workspace.
         Many of the following subcommands take an optional  list  of
         workspaces,  [  ws  ... ]. If any workspaces are named, then
         they are operated upon. If no workspaces are named, then the
         value  of the shell environment variable CODEMGR_WS is used.
         If CODEMGR_WS is not set and the current directory  is  con-
         tained within a workspace, the containing workspace is used.
         access [ -l | -q operation=user ] [ ws  ... ]
                             List     or     query      the      file
                             ws/Codemgr_wsdata/access_control.     If
                             the -l option is specified, the  command
                             lists  the  contents  of access_control.
                             If the -q option is specified, the  com-
                             mand queries access_control to determine
                             if user has permission to  do  operation
                             in  ws.  The command exits with the fol-
                             lowing values:
                                  0 = user does not have access
                                  1 = user has access
                                  2 = error
                             The command also displays a textual mes-
                             sage  indicating whether or not user has
                             access.  To add, delete, or change  user
                             entries,  use  the teamware GUI Props ->
                             Workspace  command,  or  edit  the  file
                             directly (see access_control(4)).
         children [ -r ] [ ws  ... ]
                             List ws's children workspaces.  With the
                             -r  option,  ws's  descendant workspaces
                             are recursively listed, each new genera-
                             tion  indented two spaces.  If more than
                             one ws is specified, the name of each ws
                             precedes its list.
         create ws ...       Create the named workspaces.  If  ws  is
                             the name of an existing SunOS directory,
                             the    command    simply    creates    a
                             Codemgr_wsdata  directory directly under
                             that directory.  If ws does  not  exist,
                             both it and its Codemgr_wsdata subdirec-
                             tory are created.
         delete [ -d ] [ -f ] ws ...
                             Delete the  named  workspaces.   When  a
                             workspace is deleted:
                             o  Its name is removed from its parent's
                                Codemgr_wsdata/children file
                             o  Its  name   is   removed   from   its
                                children's Codemgr_wsdata/parent file
                             o  The contents  of  the  workspace  are
                             Since it  is  a  destructive  operation,
                             workspace  delete  prompts for confirma-
                             tion   before   actually   deleting    a
                             workspace.   The  -f option forces dele-
                             tion by bypassing confirmation.
                             Used with the  -d  option,  the  command
                             deletes  only  the  Codemgr_wsdata  sub-
         filemv [files... targetdir]
                             Move a file. Moves both the  clear  file
                             and its s.file.
                             Error Messages:
                                2701 Couldn't determine absolute pathname for %ws
                                2702 stat of %s failed
                                2703 Destination file %s already exists
                                2704 No source file %s
                                2706 Target directory %s not found
         filerm [ws files ... ]
                             Remove a file. Moves both the clear file
                             and      its     s.     file     to
                             where  path  is  the   same   workspace-
                             relative path as that of the given file.
                             Error Messages:
                                2701 Couldn't determine absolute pathname for %s
                                2708 File %s does not exist
                                2709 Removal of Codemgr_data directory is not allowed
                                2710 Couldn't unlink %s
         find [ -c ] [ -m ] [ -s ] [ wsname... ]
                             Finds files in the current workspace  or
                             in the workspaces named by wsname.
                             If the -c option is specified, the  com-
                             mand  will list any files that have been
                             checked out under SCCS.
                             If the -m option is specified, the  com-
                             mand  will list the names of any history
                             files that contain unmerged deltas  fol-
                             lowed by the SID of each unmerged delta.
                             Adding the -s option will  suppress  the
                             listing of SIDs, showing filename only.
         help                Displays the list of  workspace  subcom-
                             mands and options.
         list [ -r ] [ ws | dir ... ]
                             List ws if it is a workspace.  List  any
                             workspaces  found  underneath dir.  With
                             the  -r  option,  dir's  workspaces  are
                             recursively  listed.  If no ws or dir is
                             given,  then  the  value  of  the  shell
                             environment  variable  CODEMGR_WSPATH is
         locks [ -r ] [ ws  ... ]
                             With no option specified, the locks that
                             are  active for ws are listed.  If -r is
                             specified, the locks are listed and  the
                             user  is  prompted  for  which  lock  to
         move from_ws to_ws  Move the workspace from_ws to  workspace
                             to_ws.   If the move is across file sys-
                             tems, teamware will copy  all  files  to
                             to_ws  before  it  removes from_ws.  The
                             command updates  the  parent  and  child
                             workspaces to reflect the new location.
                             Note: Do not use the SunOS mv command to
                             rename    or   move   workspaces.    The
                             workspace move command updates files  in
                             the  workspace's parent and children, as
                             well  as  logging  the  event   in   the
                             Codemgr_wsdata/history file.
                             If you inadvertently use the mv  command
                             to  move/rename a workspace and discover
                             that it has become  "disconnected"  from
                             its parent and children, you can use the
                             workspace move command to reconnect it.
                             For example, if you used the mv  command
                             to rename workspace A to file B:
                             1. Use the  workspace  move  command  to
                             rename  B to C.  The command updates the
                             workspace's new name (C) in  the  parent
                             and child workspaces.
                             2. Lastly, use the workspace  move  com-
                             mand  to  change C back to B. Everything
                             should be reconnected.
         name                Name  the  workspace  that  the  current
                             directory resides in.
         parent [ -f ][ -p newparent ] [ -r ] [ -u ] [ ws ... ]
                             List ws's parent workspace, reparent  ws
                             or  unparent ws.  With no options speci-
                             fied, the ws's parent is  listed.   With
                             the  -r option, ws's ancestor workspaces
                             are recursively listed, each new genera-
                             tion  indented two spaces. The recursive
                             list begins with  the  parent  workspace
                             and  proceeds  through the previous gen-
                             erations.  If more than one ws is speci-
                             fied,  the  name of each ws precedes its
                             list.  If the  -p  option  is  set,  the
                             workspace    will   be   reparented   to
                             newparent; ws's name is removed from its
                             current  parent's  children list, and is
                             added to newparent's children list.   If
                             the old parent no longer exists, use the
                             -f option to  force  the  reparent.   To
                             change  the  workspace  so  that  it  no
                             longer has a parent, use the -u option.
         updatenames [ -z ] [ ws ... ]
                             Update ws's name table by searching  the
                             workspace  for  SCCS files.  With the -z
                             option, also  update  files'  name  his-
                             tories, if they are out of date.  ws can
                             also be the name of an  environment.   A
                             workspace's name table contains an entry
                             for every SCCS file in  that  workspace.
                             Each  entry  consists  of  a  workspace-
                             relative file name and four  hexadecimal
                             numbers  computed  from the file's first
                             SCCS delta.  The bringover  and  putback
                             commands  rely on the name tables in the
                             parent and child  workspaces  to  detect
                             and  propagate  renames.   Even  if  one
                             workspace's name table has been outdated
                             by a rename in that workspace, bringover
                             and putback can  detect  the  rename  by
                             inspecting both workspaces' name tables.
                             The bringover and putback commands iden-
                             tify  renamed  files and update the name
                             table  accordingly.   The   larger   the
                             workspace, the more time required to run
                             this command.
                             In some cases when SCCS files have  been
                             copied  within  a workspace, updatenames
                             interactively prompts the user  for  the
                             current names of some SCCS files.
         CODEMGR_PATH_ONLY        TeamWare commands first search  for
                                  other TeamWare binaries relative to
                                  where their own binary  is  located
                                  in   the  file  system,  they  then
                                  search in the directories specified
                                  in  the  PATH environment variable.
                                  Setting   this   variable    causes
                                  TeamWare  commands  to  search  for
                                  other  TeamWare  binaries  only  in
         CODEMGR_WS               Contains  the  name  of  a   user's
                                  default  workspace.   The workspace
                                  specified   by   CODEMGR_WS    will
                                  automatically  be used if -w option
                                  is not specified to a command.
         CODEMGR_WSPATH           Specifies  a  list   of   workspace
                                  directories   to  be  automatically
                                  loaded into the workspace pane upon
                                  tool startup.
                                  The CODEMGR_WSPATH variable can  be
                                  to  set  to one or more directories
                                  that contain workspace directories.
                                  For  example,  to set this variable
                                  to the directories  /export/home/ws
                                  and  ~/projects/ws, use the follow-
                                  ing command:
                                  example%   setenv    CODEMGR_WSPATH
                                  "/export/home/ws ~/projects/ws"
         bringover(1),  def.dir.flp(1),   filemerge(1),   putback(1),
         resolve(1),   teamware(1),   ws_undo(1),  access_control(4),
         args(4), children(4),  conflicts(4),  history(4),  locks(4),
         nametable(4), notification(4), parent(4)

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