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ttsnoop (1)
  • >> ttsnoop (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         ttsnoop - ToolTalk graphical user interface
         ttsnoop [options] [-F scopefile] [-< procid] [-v media]
         [-m op]
         ttsnoop [options] [-e script] command [args]
         ttsnoop [options] -n | -N
         ttsnoop [-TuX] [-S sessid] [-w n] [-l n] [-o snoopfile]
         [-O tracefile]
         The ttsnoop utility interactively monitors ToolTalk message
         traffic, ttsession(1) pattern matching, and ToolTalk client
         function calls.  ttsnoop allows the interactive execution of
         almost any valid sequence of ToolTalk function calls, while
         optionally tracing those calls.  ttsnoop can interactively
         create and send any ToolTalk message, and can automatically
         create many of the standard ToolTalk messages.  ttsnoop can
         interactively create and register any ToolTalk pattern.
         Messages received by virtue of these patterns can be pro-
         cessed (e.g. replied to) interactively or automatically.
         For any message encountered, ttsnoop can clone a copy of it
         or generate a pattern that will match similar messages.  For
         any message encountered, ttsnoop can generate C source code
         for recreating it, dtactionfile(4) source for a message
         action that will send it, or tt_type_comp(1) source for a
         static pattern that will match it.  ttsnoop can dump the
         system's installed static patterns and message actions.
         Like tttrace(1), ttsnoop operates in two fundamental modes.
         ttsnoop either runs command with ToolTalk client tracing
         turned on, or (if command is omitted) snoops message traffic
         in the default ToolTalk scope.  For client tracing, ttsnoop
         simply invokes tttrace and logs the trace output to the
         ttsnoop terminal pane.  For message snooping, ttsnoop regis-
         ters a ToolTalk pattern in the default scope and prints each
         matching message in the terminal pane.  When ttsnoop
         receives a message, it prints the current time, the address
         of the internal Tt_message_callback that received the mes-
         sage, and a description of the message as generated by
         The following options are available:
            -F scopefile
                  Scope initial pattern also to scopefile.
            -< procid
                  Limit initial pattern to messages from procid.
            -v mediaType
                  Limit initial pattern to messages for mediaType.
            -m op
                  Limit initial pattern to messages with op.
            -n    Skip initial pattern.
            -N    Skip initial ttdt_open(3), also.
            -e script
                  Take script as a tttrace(1) setting.  See tttrace-
            -T    Trace (even initial) ToolTalk API calls made by
            -u    Map (de-iconify) on snoop output.
            -S sessid
                  Set default session to sessid.
            -X    Set default session to the X session of $DISPLAY.
            -w n  Set global timeout to n seconds.
            -l n  Set tttrace dtterm saveLines to n lines.
            -o snoopfile
                  Log snoop output to snoopfile.
            -o tracefile
                  Log API tracing to tracefile.
         The following operands are supported:
            command [args]
                  Invoke command [ with args ] and snoop its ToolTalk
                  API calls.
         The main widgets that make up the ttsnoop hierarchy are
         shown under this heading to aid in specifying resources.
         The widget instance name is shown first, followed by the
         widget class name in parentheses.  Indentation indicates
         hierarchical structure.
                  ttsnoopWin (topLevelShellWidgetClass)
                  dtb_ttsnoop_ttsnoop_pane_pane (DtTerm)
                  dtb_message_props_message_props (DialogShell)
                  dtb_pattern_props_pattern_props (DialogShell)
                  dtb_api_tracer_tracer (DialogShell)
                      dtb_api_tracer_trace_pane_obj_pane (DtTerm)
         Not used.
         ToolTalk Messages
         If command is omitted, ttsnoop by default registers a pat-
         tern in the default scope to observe all messages, and
         prints all observed messages to the terminal pane.  ttsnoop
         can be made to register the handler patterns described in
         ttdt_session_join(3), ttdt_file_join(3),
         ttdt_message_accept(3), ttdt_subcontract_manage(3), and
         ttmedia_ptype_declare(3).  ttsnoop can interactively create
         and register any ToolTalk handler pattern.  The user can
         install a pattern callback to open the matched messages in a
         dialog window, or automatically accept, reject, reply, or
         fail it.
         Not used.
         Errors encountered during initialization are written to
         stderr.  After initialization, stderr is not used.
         The following exit values are returned:
            0   Successful completion.
            1   Could not open X display.
            2   Incorrect command line options.
            3   Could not fork command.
            4   ToolTalk initialization error.
            5   Caught a fatal signal.
         Like any ToolTalk client, ttsnoop can observe multicast mes-
         sages, but not TT_HANDLER-addressed messages.  Only
         tttrace(1) can monitor TT_HANDLER-addressed messages.  Run
         tttrace(1) by choosing "ttsession" from the "Snoop" menu.
         ttsnoop allows a message to be opened as long as it has not
         been destroyed.  However, ttsnoop exposes certain ToolTalk
         convenience routines -- ttdt_Get_Modified(3), ttdt_Save(3),
         and ttdt_Revert(3) -- that send and destroy requests without
         ever returning them above the API.  When ttsnoop uses these
         routines to send a request to itself, the message should not
         be manipulated after the convenience routines have destroyed
                  ttsnoop Application Defaults.
         tttrace(1), ttsession(1), tt_type_comp(1), dttypes(1),
         truss(1), DtTerm(3), dtactionfile(4)

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