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ssh-chrootmgr (1)
  • >> ssh-chrootmgr (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         ssh-chrootmgr - sets up chroot-ready environment for users
         ssh-chrootmgr [-h|-?|--help] [-q] [-v] [-n] login_name ...
         This script is a helper application to be used in  instances
         where you would like to use ChRootUsers or ChRootGroups with
         sshd and sftp-server.
           With ChRoot{Users,Groups} you can restrict a user  to  her
         own  home  directory (and therefore make it much less likely
         that the user could steal any information from the  filesys-
         tem).  This  requires,  however, that you have static builds
         (ie. ones that don't use  shared  libraries)  of  ssh-dummy-
         shell  and  sftp-server  available.  How  to accomplish this
         depends largely on the system, but the configure script does
         its best to automatically guess what compiler flags to use.
         This script  is  used  to  simplify  the  copying  of  these
         binaries to a standard place.
         ssh-chrootmgr tries to dig the user's  home  directory  from
         /etc/passwd by the supplied username(s) (you can supply more
         than one username, in which case all these accounts are pro-
         cessed).  It  then  creates  a  bin directory (if it doesn't
         already exist) under the  user's  home  directory.  It  then
         copies  the  static  versions  of  ssh-dummy-shell and sftp-
         server2 to this directory, and makes a symbolic  link  sftp-
         server  in  that  directory  to  point  to  the sftp-server2
         After you've run this script, you  should  add  the  desired
         users   (or   groups)   to   ChRootUsers (ChRootGroups)   in
         sshd2_config.  You should also change the user(s)  shell  to
         /bin/ssh-dummy-shell  in  /etc/passwd.   (After  the  chroot
         operation, the /bin directory is the bin  directory  in  the
         user's home directory, in the user's perspective.)
         -v   Puts ssh-chrootmgr to verbose mode.
         -q   Puts ssh-chrootmgr  to  quiet  mode  (only  errors  are
         -n   Specifies, that ssh-chrootmgr  should  only  show  what
              would  happen,  but doesn't actually do any copies etc.
              Particularly useful with -v.
         -h or -? or --help
              Shows short help.
         SSH Communications Security Corp
         For more information, see
         ssh2(1), sshd2(8), sshd2_config(5)

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