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snapshot (1)
  • >> snapshot (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • Ключ snapshot обнаружен в базе ключевых слов.
         snapshot - capture some or all of a screen image and save to
         a raster file
         snapshot [ -d default directory ] [ -f default filename ]  [
         -g ] [ -l filename ] [ -n ] [ -v ]
         This command is available with the OpenWindows environment.
         snapshot is an OpenWindows XView utility that  allows  users
         to  save images from their workstation screens into a raster
         file. The user may choose to take a picture of a single win-
         dow,  the  entire  screen, or any rectangular portion of the
         snapshot can also be used to load and display Sun rasterfile
         or  GIF  formatted  files.   It  is  also capable of viewing
         images of a different depth than the  screen,  for  example,
         displaying color images on a monochrome screen. The image is
         appropriately dithered before it  is  displayed.  Compressed
         images will be unpacked and loaded automatically.
         Images can be saved to disk in  Sun  rasterfile  format,  or
         printed  on  a PostScript printer. There are various printer
         options (see below).
         If it also possible to  drag  and  drop  rasterfile  or  GIF
         images  onto the snapshot drop zone and these will be loaded
         automatically. Similarily, it is possible to drag  and  drop
         from   snapshot  to  another  DeskSet  application  such  as
         filemgr(1) or printtool(1).
         -d default-directory
              Name of the default directory to use for load and  save
         -f default-filename
              Name of the default filename to use for load  and  save
         -g   Display color images using a greyscale ramp.
         -l filename
              Name of the file to  automatically  load  and  view  on
         -n   Automatically overwrite  previously  loaded  images  or
              snapshot  without  prompting the user for confirmation.
              Similarly, when saving images to disk,  files  will  be
              automattically overwritten.
         -v   Print  the  version  number  of  this  release  of  the
              snapshot program.
         snapshot operates using a combination of control panels with
         various  buttons,  choices  and  text  fields  to define the
         actions performed and the files used.
         Load...   This button displays a control panel which  allows
                   the  user to specify the name of the directory and
                   the filename to use  for  image  load  operations.
                   The  default directory name is the current working
                   directory,   and   the   default    filename    is
           These text fields can be overwritten
                   by the user.
         Save...   This button displays a control panel which  allows
                   the  user to specify the name of the directory and
                   filename to use for saving snapped images. As with
                   the  load operation, the default directory name is
                   the current  working  directory  and  the  default
                   filename  is,  both  of  which can be
                   adjusted by the user.
         Print     This button displays a menu with two options:
                   Print Snap
                             Sends the currently  snapped  or  loaded
                             image  to  the  printer with the current
                   Options   The  options  displayed  in  the   Print
                             Options window follow.
                                       Indicates the destination  for
                                       the  print. This can be either
                                       the printer (the default),  or
                                       the  name  of  a  file. If the
                                       Printer option  is  specified,
                                       then  the  printer name can be
                                       given, or if the  File  option
                                       is  specified, the name of the
                                       directory and file to use  can
                                       be given.
                                       Specifies the position of  the
                                       image  on  the paper. The snap
                                       can be printed either  up  and
                                       down  the  page (the default),
                                       or sideways across the page.
                             Position: Specifies the position of  the
                                       snapshot   on   the  page.  By
                                       default the image will be cen-
                                       tered, but you can specify the
                                       position in  inches  from  the
                                       left and top of the paper.
                             Scale to: Allows  the  user  to  specify
                                       whether  the  image  should be
                                       printed at actual size, or  if
                                       a  width  or  height (or both)
                                       should be  given,  which  will
                                       override the default size.
                             Double Size:
                                       Specifies whether the snapshot
                                       is  to be doubled in width and
                             Monochrome Printer
                                       Select  this  option  if   the
                                       printed  output  is  to  be in
         Snap Type:
                   The type of image to snap; a window, a rectangular
                   region of the screen, or the entire screen.
         Snap Delay:
                   Delays the snapping of the picture for the  speci-
                   fied number of seconds.
         Beep During Countdown
                   Indicates if a beep should be sounded every second
                   as the snap delay is counted down.
         Hide Window During Capture
                   The snapshot window is made invisible  before  the
                   snapshot  is  taken.  The timer delay is forced to
                   eight seconds.
         Snap      Snap the contents of the window, region or screen.
                   If  you  are  snapping  a  window, then select the
                   desired window using SELECT . To cancel the selec-
                   tion,  use  ADJUST or MENU . If you are snapping a
                   region, select the region to be snapped  by  using
                   SELECT and dragging the rectangle around the area.
                   Use ADJUST to take the snapshot  or  use  MENU  to
         View...   Launches imagetool and  displays  the  snapped  or
                   loaded  image  in the imagetool main window.  Once
                   imagetool is running, all snapped images  will  be
                   displayed  in  this  window.  Also, the Load, Save
                   and Print buttons on the snapshot main window  all
                   become  inactive once imagetool is running.  Users
                   can find these options on the imagetool file menu.
         imagetool(1), filemgr(1), printtool(1)
         OpenWindows user documentation
         "About Snapshot" in the Help Handbook available through  the
         Help option on the Workspace menu.
         The OpenWindows environment may no longer be supported in  a
         future  release.  You may want to migrate to CDE, the Common
         Desktop Environment.

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