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jarsigner (1)
  • >> jarsigner (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         jarsigner - JAR signing and verification tool
         jarsigner [ -keystore file ] [ -keystore url ]
              [ -storepass storetype ] [ -storepass password ]
              [ -keypass password ] [ -sigfile file ]
              [ -signedjar file ] [ -verify ] [ -certs ]
              [ -verbose ] [ -internalsf ] [ -sectionsonly ]
              [ -Jflag ] jar-file alias
         The jarsigner tool is used for two purposes:
         1.   to sign Java ARchive (JAR) files, and
         2.   to verify the signatures and integrity  of  signed  JAR
         The JAR  feature  enables  the  packaging  of  class  files,
         images,  sounds, and other digital data in a single file for
         faster and easier distribution. A  tool  named  jar  enables
         developers to produce JAR files.
         A digital signature is a string of  bits  that  is  computed
         from some data (the data being "signed") and the private key
         of an entity (a person, company, etc.). Like  a  handwritten
         signature,  a digital signature has many useful characteris-
         o Its authenticity can be verified, via a  computation  that
           uses  the public key corresponding to the private key used
           to generate the signature.
         o It cannot be forged, assuming  the  private  key  is  kept
         o It is a function of the data  signed  and  thus  can't  be
           claimed to be the signature for other data as well.
         o The signed data cannot be changed; if it is, the signature
           will no longer verify as being authentic.
         In order for an entity's signature to  be  generated  for  a
         file,  the  entity must first have a public/private key pair
         associated with  it,  and  also  one  or  more  certificates
         authenticating  its public key. A certificate is a digitally
         signed statement from one entity, saying that the public key
         of some other entity has a particular value.
         jarsigner uses key and certificate information from  a  key-
         store  to  generate  digital  signatures  for  JAR  files. A
         keystore is a database of private keys and their  associated
         X.509  certificate  chains  authenticating the corresponding
         public keys. The keytool  utility  is  used  to  create  and
         administer keystores.
         jarsigner uses an entity's private key to generate a  signa-
         ture.   The  signed JAR file contains, among other things, a
         copy of the certificate from the keystore for the public key
         corresponding to the private key used to sign the file. jar-
         signer can verify the digital signature of  the  signed  JAR
         file using the certificate inside it (in its signature block
         At this time, jarsigner can only sign JAR files  created  by
         the  JDK  jar  tool or zip files. (JAR files are the same as
         zip files, except  they  also  have  a  META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
         file.  Such  a  file will automatically be created when jar-
         signer signs a zip file.)
         The default jarsigner behavior is to sign a  JAR  file.  Use
         the  -verify  option  to instead have it verify a signed JAR
      Compatibility with JDK 1.1
         Please note: the  keytool  and  jarsigner  tools  completely
         replace  the  javakey  tool  provided  in JDK 1.1. These new
         tools provide more  features  than  javakey,  including  the
         ability  to protect the keystore and private keys with pass-
         words, and the ability to verify signatures in  addition  to
         generating them.
         The new keystore architecture replaces the identity database
         that javakey created and managed. There is no backwards com-
         patibility between the keystore format and the database for-
         mat used by javakey in 1.1. However:
         o It is possible to import the information from an  identity
           database into a keystore, via the keytool -identitydb com-
         o jarsigner can sign JAR files also previously signed  using
         o jarsigner can verify JAR files signed using javakey  Thus,
           it  recognizes  and  can work with signer aliases that are
           from a JDK 1.1 identity database rather  than  a  JDK  1.2
         The following table explains how JAR files that were  signed
         in JDK 1.1.x are treated in JDK 1.2.
                                 imported     Policy File
         JAR File  Identity in   into 1.2       grants        Privileges
           Type   1.1 database   keystore    privileges to     Granted
                                 from 1.1   Identity/Alias
         Signed                                             Default
         JAR      NO            NO         NO               privaleges
                                                            granted to
                                                            all code.
         Unsigned                                           Default
         JAR      NO            NO         NO               privileges
                                                            granted to
                                                            all code.
         Signed                                             Default
         JAR      NO            YES        NO               privileges
                                                            granted to
                                                            all code.
         Signed                                             Default
         JAR      YES/Untrusted NO         NO               privileges
                                                            granted to
                                                            all code. (3)
         Signed                                             Default
         JAR      YES/Untrusted NO         YES              privileges
                                                            granted to
                                                            all code.
         Signed                                             Default
         JAR      NO            YES        YES              privileges
                                                            granted to
                                                            all code plus
                                                            granted in
                                                            policy file.
         Signed                                             Default
         JAR      YES/Trusted   YES        YES              privileges
                                                            granted to
                                                            all code plus
                                                            granted in
                                                            policy file.
         Signed                                             All
         JAR      YES/Trusted   NO         NO               privileges
         Signed                                             All
         JAR      YES/Trusted   YES        NO               privileges
         Signed                                             All
         JAR      YES/Trusted   NO         YES              privileges
         1.   If an identity/alias is mentioned in the  policy  file,
              it  must  be  imported into the keystore for the policy
              file to have any effect on privileges granted.
         1.   If an identity/alias is mentioned in the  policy  file,
              it  must  be  imported into the keystore for the policy
              file to have any effect on privileges granted.
         2.   The policy  file/keystore  combination  has  precedence
              over a trusted identity in the identity database.
         3.   Untrusted identities are ignored in JDK 1.2.
         4.   Only trusted identities can be imported  into  JDK  1.2
      Keystore Aliases
         All keystore entities are accessed via unique aliases.
         When using jarsigner to sign a JAR file,  you  must  specify
         the  alias for the keystore entry containing the private key
         needed to generate the signature. For example, the following
         will  sign  the  JAR  file  named  MyJARFile.jar,  using the
         private key associated with the alias duke in  the  keystore
         named  mystore  in  the "working" directory. Since no output
         file is specified,  it  overwrites  MyJARFile.jar  with  the
         signed JAR file.
         example% jarsigner -keystore /working/mystore -storepass
            myspass -keypass dukekeypasswd MyJARFile.jar duke
         Keystores are protected with a password, so the store  pass-
         word  (in  this case myspass) must be specified. You will be
         prompted for it if you don't specify it on the command line.
         Similarly,  private  keys are protected in a keystore with a
         password, so  the  private  key's  password  (in  this  case
         dukekeypasswd)  must  be specified, and you will be prompted
         for it if you don't specify it on the command  line  and  it
         isn't the same as the store password.
      Keystore Location
         jarsigner has a -keystore option for specifying the name and
         location  of  the  keystore  to  be used. The keystore is by
         default stored in a file named .keystore in the user's  home
         directory,  as  determined by the user.home system property.
         On Solaris systems user.home defaults  to  the  user's  home
      Keystore Implementation
         A keystore implementation is a  concrete  implementation  of
         the  KeyStore  abstract  class provided in the
         package. This  class  supplies  well-defined  interfaces  to
         access and modify the information in a keystore.
         Currently, there are two command-line tools that make use of
         KeyStore:   keytool and jarsigner, and also a GUI-based tool
         named policytool.  Since KeyStore is publicly available, JDK
         users  can  write  additional security applications that use
         There is a built-in default implementation, provided by  Sun
         Microsystems.  It implements the keystore as a file, utiliz-
         ing a proprietary keystore type  (format)  named  "JKS".  It
         protects  each private key with its individual password, and
         also protects the integrity of the entire  keystore  with  a
         (possibly different) password.
         Keystore implementations are provider-based.  More  specifi-
         cally,  the  application interfaces supplied by KeyStore are
         implemented in  terms  of  a  "Service  Provider  Interface"
         (SPI).  That  is,  there  is  a corresponding abstract Keys-
         toreSpi class, also  in  the  package,  which
         defines the Service Provider Interface methods that "provid-
         ers" must implement. (The term "provider" refers to a  pack-
         age  or a set of packages that supply a concrete implementa-
         tion of a subset of services that can  be  accessed  by  the
         Java  Security API.) Thus, to provide a keystore implementa-
         tion, clients must implement a provider and supply  a  Keys-
         toreSpi  subclass  implementation,  as  described  in How to
         Implement a Provider for the Java Cryptography Architecture.
         Applications can choose different types of  keystore  imple-
         mentations  from  different providers, using the getInstance
         factory method supplied in the KeyStore  class.  A  keystore
         type  defines  the  storage  and data format of the keystore
         information, and the algorithms used to protect private keys
         in  the  keystore  and the integrity of the keystore itself.
         Keystore implementations of different types are not compati-
         keytool works on  any  file-based  keystore  implementation.
         (It  treats the keytore location that is passed to it at the
         command line as a filename and  converts  it  to  a  FileIn-
         putStream,  from  which  it loads the keystore information.)
         The jarsigner and policytool tools, on the other  hand,  can
         read  a  keystore  from  any  location that can be specified
         using a URL.
         For jarsigner and keytool, you can specify a  keystore  type
         at  the  command  line, via the -storetype option. For poli-
         cytool, you can specify a keystore type via the "Change Key-
         store" command in the Edit menu.
         If you don't explicitly specify a keystore type,  the  tools
         choose  a  keystore implementation based simply on the value
         of the keystore.type property specified in the security pro-
         perties   file.  The  security  properties  file  is  called, and it resides in the JDK security properties
         directory,  java.home/lib/security,  where  java.home is the
         JDK installation directory.
         Each tool gets the keystore.type value and then examines all
         the  currently-installed  providers  until it finds one that
         implements keystores of that type. It then uses the keystore
         implementation from that provider.
         The KeyStore class defines a static method named getDefault-
         Type  that  lets applications and applets retrieve the value
         of the keystore.type property. The following  line  of  code
         creates  an instance of the default keystore type (as speci-
         fied in the keystore.type property):
         KeyStore                     keyStore                      =
         The default keystore type is "jks" (the proprietary type  of
         the keystore implementation provided by Sun). This is speci-
         fied by the following line in the security properties file:
         To have the tools utilize a  keystore  implementation  other
         than  the  default,  change that line to specify a different
         keystore type.
         For example, if you have a provider package that supplies  a
         keystore implementation for a keystore type called "pkcs12",
         change the line to
         Note: case doesn't matter  in  keystore  type  designations.
         For example, "JKS" would be considered the same as "jks".
      Supported Algorithms and Key Sizes
         At this time, jarsigner can sign a JAR file using either
         o DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) with  the  SHA-1  digest
           algorithm, or
         o the RSA algorithm with the MD5 digest algorithm.
         That is, if the signer's public and  private  keys  are  DSA
         keys,  jarsigner will attempt to sign the JAR file using the
         SHA-1/DSA algorithm. If the signer's keys are RSA keys, jar-
         signer  will  sign the JAR file using the MD5/RSA algorithm.
         This is only possible if there  is  a  statically  installed
         provider  supplying  an implementation for the MD5/RSA algo-
         rithm. (There is always  a  SHA-1/DSA  algorithm  available,
         from the default "SUN" provider.)
      The Signed JAR File
         When jarsigner is used to sign a JAR file, the output signed
         JAR  file  is exactly the same as the input JAR file, except
         that it has two additional  files  placed  in  the  META-INF
         o a signature file, with a .SF extension, and
         o a signature block file, with a .DSA extension.
         The base file names for these two files come from the  value
         of  the  -sigFile option. For example, if the option appears
         -sigFile MKSIGN
         the files are named MKSIGN.SF and MKSIGN.DSA.
         If no -sigfile option appears on the command line, the  base
         file  name  for  the  .SF and .DSA files will be the first 8
         characters of the alias name specified on the command  line,
         all  converted  to  upper  case. If the alias name has fewer
         than 8 characters, the full alias name is used. If the alias
         name  contains any characters that are not allowed in a sig-
         nature file name, each such character  is  converted  to  an
         underscore  ("_")  character in forming the file name. Legal
         characters  include  letters,   digits,   underscores,   and
         The Signature (.SF) File
         A signature file (the .SF file) looks similar to  the  mani-
         fest file that is always included in a JAR file generated by
         the jar tool. That is, for each source file included in  the
         JAR file, the .SF file has three lines, just as in the mani-
         fest file, listing the following:
         o the file name,
         o the name of the digest algorithm used (SHA), and
         o a SHA digest value.
         In the manifest file, the SHA digest value for  each  source
         file  is  the digest (hash) of the binary data in the source
         file. In the .SF file, on the other hand, the  digest  value
         for  a  given  source file is the hash of the three lines in
         the manifest file for the source file.
         The signature file also, by default, includes a header  con-
         taining  a  hash of the whole manifest file. The presence of
         the header enables verification optimization,  as  described
         in JAR File Verification.
         The Signature Block (.DSA) File
         The .SF file is signed and the signature is  placed  in  the
         .DSA file. The .DSA file also contains, encoded inside it, a
         certificate authenticating the public key  corresponding  to
         the private key used for signing.
      JAR File Verification
         A  successful  JAR   file   verification   occurs   if   the
         signature(s)  are  valid, and none of the files that were in
         the JAR file when the signatures were  generated  have  been
         changed  since then. JAR file verification involves the fol-
         lowing steps:
         1.   Verify the signature of the .SF file itself.
              That is, the verification ensures  that  the  signature
              stored  in each signature block (.DSA) file was in fact
              generated using the private key  corresponding  to  the
              public  key  whose certificate also appears in the .DSA
              file. It also ensures that the  signature  is  a  valid
              signature  of  the  corresponding signature (.SF) file,
              and thus the .SF file has not been tampered with.
         2.   Verify the digest listed in each entry in the .SF  file
              with each corresponding section in the manifest.
              The .SF file by default includes a header containing  a
              hash  of  the  entire manifest file. When the header is
              present, then the verification can check to see whether
              or  not  the hash in the header indeed matches the hash
              of the manifest file. If that is the case, verification
              proceeds to the next step.
              If that is not the case, a less optimized  verification
              is required to ensure that the hash in each source file
              information section in the .SF file equals the hash  of
              its corresponding section in the manifest file (see The
              Signature (.SF) File).
              One reason the hash of the manifest file that is stored
              in  the  .SF  file header may not equal the hash of the
              current manifest file would  be  because  one  or  more
              files  were  added to the JAR file (using the jar tool)
              after the signature (and thus the .SF  file)  was  gen-
              erated.  When  the  jar  tool is used to add files, the
              manifest file is changed (sections are added to it  for
              the new files), but the .SF file is not. A verification
              is still considered successful if  none  of  the  files
              that  were  in the JAR file when the signature was gen-
              erated have been changed since then, which is the  case
              if  the  hashes  in  the non-header sections of the .SF
              file equal the hashes of the corresponding sections  in
              the manifest file.
         3.   Read each file in the JAR file that has an entry in the
              .SF file. While reading, compute the file's digest, and
              then compare the result with the digest for  this  file
              in  the  manifest  section.  The  digests should be the
              same, or verification fails.
         If any serious verification failures occur during the verif-
         ication  process,  the  process  is  stopped  and a security
         exception is thrown. It is  caught  and  displayed  by  jar-
      Multiple Signatures for a JAR File
         A JAR file can be signed by multiple people simply  by  run-
         ning the jarsigner tool on the file multiple times, specify-
         ing the alias for a different person each time, as in:
         example% jarsigner myBundle.jar susan
         example% jarsigner myBundle.jar kevin
         When a JAR file is signed multiple times, there are multiple
         .SF  and  .DSA files in the resulting JAR file, one pair for
         each signature. Thus, in the example above, the  output  JAR
         file includes files with the following names:
         The various  jarsigner  options  are  listed  and  described
         below.  Note:
         o All option names are preceded by a minus sign (-).
         o The options may be provided in any order.
         o Items in italics  (option  values)  represent  the  actual
           values that must be supplied.
         o The  -keystore,  -storepass,  -keypass,  -sigfile,  and  -
           signedjar  options  are  only  relevant when signing a JAR
           file, not when verifying a signed JAR file. Similarly,  an
           alias is only specified on the command line when signing a
           JAR file.
         -keystore file Specifies the keystore (database file)  loca-
                        tion.  This  is only needed when signing (not
                        verifying) a JAR file, and  defaults  to  the
                        file  .keystore in the user's home directory,
                        as determined by the  user.home  system  pro-
                        perty.  On Solaris systems user.home defaults
                        to the user's home directory.
         -keystore url  Specifies the URL  that  tells  the  keystore
                        location. This defaults to the file .keystore
                        in the user's home directory,  as  determined
                        by the user.home system property.
                        A keystore is required when signing,  so  you
                        must  explicitly  specify  one if the default
                        keystore does not exist (or you want  to  use
                        one other than the default).
                        A keystore is not  required  when  verifying,
                        but  if  one  is  specified,  or  the default
                        exists, and  the  -verbose  option  was  also
                        specified,  additional  information is output
                        regarding whether or not any of the  certifi-
                        cates  used  to  verify the JAR file are con-
                        tained in that keystore.
                        Note: the -keystore argument can actually  be
                        a  file  name (and path) specification rather
                        than a URL, in which case it will be  treated
                        the same as a "file:" URL. That is,
                        -keystore filePathAndName
                        is treated as equivalent to
                        -keystore file:filePathAndName
         -storepass storetype
                        Specifies the type of keystore to be  instan-
                        tiated.  The default keystore type is the one
                        that  is  specified  as  the  value  of   the
                        "keystore.type" property in the security pro-
                        perties file, which is returned by the static
                        getDefaultType            method           in
         -storepass password
                        Specifies the password which is  required  to
                        access the keystore. This is only needed when
                        signing (not verifying) a JAR file.  In  that
                        case,  if a -storepass option is not provided
                        at the command line, the user is prompted for
                        the password.
                        Note: The password shouldn't be specified  on
                        the  command line or in a script unless it is
                        for testing purposes, or you are on a  secure
                        system.  Also,  when  typing in a password at
                        the password prompt, the password  is  echoed
                        (displayed  exactly  as typed), so be careful
                        not to type it in front of anyone.
         -keypass password
                        Specifies the password used  to  protect  the
                        private  key  of the keystore entry addressed
                        by the alias specified on the  command  line.
                        The password is required when using jarsigner
                        to sign a JAR file. If no  password  is  pro-
                        vided  on  the command line, and the required
                        password is different from  the  store  pass-
                        word, the user is prompted for it.
                        Note: The password shouldn't be specified  on
                        the  command line or in a script unless it is
                        for testing purposes, or you are on a  secure
                        system.  Also,  when  typing in a password at
                        the password prompt, the password  is  echoed
                        (displayed  exactly  as typed), so be careful
                        not to type it in front of anyone.
         -sigfile file  Specifies the base file name to be  used  for
                        the  generated  .SF and .DSA files. For exam-
                        ple, if file is DUKESIGN, the  generated  .SF
                        and  .DSA files will be named DUKESIGN.SF and
                        DUKESIGN.DSA,  and  will  be  placed  in  the
                        META-INF directory of the signed JAR file.
                        The characters in file must come from the set
                        "a-zA-Z0-9_-".    That   is,   only  letters,
                        numbers, underscore,  and  hyphen  characters
                        are  allowed.  Note: All lowercase characters
                        will be converted to uppercase  for  the  .SF
                        and .DSA file names.
                        If no -sigfile option appears on the  command
                        line, the base file name for the .SF and .DSA
                        files will be the first 8 characters  of  the
                        alias name specified on the command line, all
                        converted to upper case. If  the  alias  name
                        has  fewer  than 8 characters, the full alias
                        name is used.  If the alias name contains any
                        characters  that are not legal in a signature
                        file name, each such character  is  converted
                        to  an  underscore ("_") character in forming
                        the file name.
         -signedjar file
                        Specifies the name to be used for the  signed
                        JAR file.
                        If no name is specified on the command  line,
                        the  name  used  is the same as the input JAR
                        file name (the name of the  JAR  file  to  be
                        signed);   in   other  words,  that  file  is
                        overwritten with the signed JAR file.
         -verify        If this appears  on  the  command  line,  the
                        specified  JAR  file  will  be  verified, not
                        signed. If the  verification  is  successful,
                        "jar  verified" will be displayed. If you try
                        to verify an unsigned JAR file, or a JAR file
                        signed  with  an  unsupported  algorithm (for
                        example, RSA when you don't have an RSA  pro-
                        vider installed), the following is displayed:
                        "jar is unsigned. (signatures missing or  not
                        It is possible to  verify  JAR  files  signed
                        using either jarsigner or the JDK 1.1 javakey
                        tool, or both.
                        For further information on verification,  see
                        JAR File Verification.
         -certs         If this appears on the  command  line,  along
                        with  the  -verify  and -verbose options, the
                        output includes certificate  information  for
                        each signer of the JAR file. This information
                        o the name of the type of certificate (stored
                          in   the  .DSA  file)  that  certifies  the
                          signer's public key
                        o if the certificate is an X.509  certificate
                          (more    specifically,   an   instance   of
                          distinguished name of the signer
                        The keystore is also examined. If no keystore
                        value  is  specified on the command line, the
                        default  keystore  file  (if  any)  will   be
                        checked.  If the public key certificate for a
                        signer matches an entry in the keystore, then
                        the   following   information  will  also  be
                        o in parentheses, the alias name for the key-
                          store  entry for that signer. If the signer
                          actually comes  from  a  JDK  1.1  identity
                          database  instead  of  from a keystore, the
                          alias name will appear in brackets  instead
                          of parentheses.
         -verbose       If this appears on the command line, it indi-
                        cates  "verbose" mode, which causes jarsigner
                        to output extra information as  to  the  pro-
                        gress of the JAR signing or verification.
         -internalsf    In the past, the .DSA (signature block)  file
                        generated  when a JAR file was signed used to
                        include a complete encoded copy  of  the  .SF
                        file  (signature  file)  also generated. This
                        behavior has  been  changed.  To  reduce  the
                        overall size of the output JAR file, the .DSA
                        file by default doesn't contain a copy of the
                        .SF  file anymore. But if -internalsf appears
                        on the command  line,  the  old  behavior  is
                        utilized.  This  option  is mainly useful for
                        testing; in practice, it should not be  used,
                        since  doing so eliminates a useful optimiza-
         -sectionsonly  If this appears on the command line, the  .SF
                        file  (signature  file)  generated when a JAR
                        file is signed does not include a header con-
                        taining a hash of the whole manifest file. It
                        just contains information and hashes  related
                        to  each  individual  source file included in
                        the JAR file, as described in  The  Signature
                        (.SF) File .
                        By default,  this  header  is  added,  as  an
                        optimization.  When  the  header  is present,
                        then whenever the JAR file is  verified,  the
                        verification  can  first check to see whether
                        or not the hash in the header indeed  matches
                        the  hash  of the whole manifest file. If so,
                        verification proceeds to the  next  step.  If
                        not,  it  is necessary to do a less optimized
                        verification that the  hash  in  each  source
                        file  information  section  in  the  .SF file
                        equals the hash of its corresponding  section
                        in the manifest file.
                        For further information, see JAR File Verifi-
                        This option is mainly useful for testing;  in
                        practice,  it should not be used, since doing
                        so eliminates a useful optimization.
         -Jflag         Passes the specified  flag  directly  to  the
                        runtime  system.  (jarsigner  is  actually  a
                        "wrapper"  around  the   interpreter.)   This
                        option  should  not contain any spaces. It is
                        useful for adjusting the  execution  environ-
                        ment or memory usage.  For a list of possible
                        flags, type java -h or java -X at the command
      Signing a JAR File
         Suppose you have a JAR file named bundle.jar and you'd  like
         to  sign it using the private key of the user whose keystore
         alias is "jane" in  the  keystore  named  "mystore"  in  the
         "working"  directory. Suppose the keystore password is "mys-
         pass" and the password for jane's private key is  "j638klm".
         You  can use the following to sign the JAR file and name the
         signed JAR file "sbundle.jar":
         example% jarsigner -keystore "/working/mystore" -storepass myspass
            -keypass j638klm -signedjar sbundle.jar bundle.jar jane
         Note that there is no  -sigfile  specified  in  the  command
         above,  so  the generated .SF and .DSA files to be placed in
         the signed JAR file will have default  names  based  on  the
         alias  name.  That  is,  they  will  be  named  JANE.SF  and
         If you want to be prompted for the store  password  and  the
         private key password, you could shorten the above command to
         example% jarsigner -keystore /working/mystore
            -signedjar sbundle.jar bundle.jar jane
         If the keystore to be used is the default keystore (the  one
         named  .keystore  in your home directory), you don't need to
         specify a keystore, as in:
         example% jarsigner -signedjar sbundle.jar bundle.jar jane
         Finally, if you want the signed JAR file to simply overwrite
         the input JAR file (bundle.jar), you don't need to specify a
         -signedjar option:
         example% jarsigner bundle.jar jane
      Verifying a Signed JAR File
         To verify a signed JAR file, that is,  to  verify  that  the
         signature  is  valid  and the JAR file has not been tampered
         with, use a command such as the following:
         example% jarsigner -verify sbundle.jar
         If the verification is successful,
         jar verified.
         is displayed. Otherwise, an error message appears.
         You can get more information if you use the -verbose option.
         A  sample use of jarsigner with the -verbose option is shown
         below, along with sample output:
         example% jarsigner -verify -verbose sbundle.jar
                      198 Fri Sep 26 16:14:06 PDT 1997 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
                      199 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META-INF/JANE.SF
                     1013 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META-INF/JANE.DSA
               smk   2752 Fri Sep 26 16:12:30 PDT 1997 AclEx.class
               smk    849 Fri Sep 26 16:12:46 PDT 1997 test.class
                 s = signature was verified
                 m = entry is listed in manifest
                 k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
               jar verified.
      Verification with Certificate Information
         If you specify the -certs option when verifying, along  with
         the  -verify  and  -verbose  options,  the  output  includes
         certificate information for each signer  of  the  JAR  file,
         including  the  certificate  type,  the signer distinguished
         name information (if it's an  X.509  certificate),  and,  in
         parentheses, the keystore alias for the signer if the public
         key certificate in the JAR file matches that in  a  keystore
         entry. For example,
         example% jarsigner -keystore /working/mystore -verify -verbose -certs myTest.jar
               198 Fri Sep 26 16:14:06 PDT 1997 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
               199 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META-INF/JANE.SF
              1013 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META-INF/JANE.DSA
               208 Fri Sep 26 16:23:30 PDT 1997 META-INF/JAVATEST.SF
              1087 Fri Sep 26 16:23:30 PDT 1997 META-INF/JAVATEST.DSA
         smk   2752 Fri Sep 26 16:12:30 PDT 1997 Tst.class
          X.509, CN=Test Group, OU=Java Software, O=Sun Microsystems, L=CUP, S=CA, C=US (javatest)
          X.509, CN=Jane Smith, OU=Java Software, O=Sun, L=cup, S=ca, C=us (jane)
          s = signature was verified
          m = entry is listed in manifest
          k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
         jar verified.
         If the certificate for a signer is not an X.509 certificate,
         there  is  no distinguished name information.  In that case,
         just the certificate type and the alias are shown. For exam-
         ple,  if the certificate is a PGP certificate, and the alias
         is "bob", you'd get
         PGP, (bob)
      Verification of a JAR File
         The verification example below entails verification of a JAR
         file that includes identity database signers.
         If a JAR file has been signed  using  the  JDK  1.1  javakey
         tool,  and  thus the signer is an alias in an identity data-
         base, the verification output includes an "i" symbol. If the
         JAR  file  has  been  signed by both an alias in an identity
         database and an alias  in  a  keystore,  both  "k"  and  "i"
         When the  -certs  option  is  used,  any  identity  database
         aliases  are  shown  in  square  brackets  rather  than  the
         parentheses used for keystore aliases. For example:
         example% jarsigner -keystore /working/mystore -verify -verbose -certs writeFile.jar
               198 Fri Sep 26 16:14:06 PDT 1997 META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
               199 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META-INF/JANE.SF
              1013 Fri Sep 26 16:22:10 PDT 1997 META-INF/JANE.DSA
               199 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META-INF/DUKE.SF
              1013 Fri Sep 27 12:22:30 PDT 1997 META-INF/DUKE.DSA
         smki   2752 Fri Sep 26 16:12:30 PDT 1997 writeFile.html
          X.509, CN=Jane Smith, OU=Java Software, O=Sun, L=cup, S=ca, C=us (jane)
          X.509, CN=Duke, OU=Java Software, O=Sun, L=cup, S=ca, C=us [duke]
          s = signature was verified
          m = entry is listed in manifest
          k = at least one certificate was found in keystore
          i = at least one certificate was found in identity scope
         jar verified.
         Please note that the alias "duke" is in brackets  to  denote
         that it is an identity database alias, not a keystore alias.
         See attributes(5) for a description of the following  attri-
        | Availability  |  SUNWjvdev      |
         jar(1), keytool(1)

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