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clip (1)
  • >> clip (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         clip - Clip an OOGL object against planes or other surfaces
         clip [-v axisx,y,z,...]
             [-g value-or-point] [-l value-or-point]
             [-s nstrips[,fraction]] [-e]
             [-sph centerx,y,z,...] [-cyl centerx,y,z,...]
         Clip, adapted from Daeron Meyer's ginsu module, allows clip-
         ping  an  OOGL  object against planes, spheres, or cylinders
         from the UNIX command line.  Its input can come from a  file
         or standard input; output is written to standard output.
         Options specify a function of space position; the output  is
         the  portion  of the object where the function is greater or
         less than some given value, or the portion lying between two
         values.    Alternatively,  an  object  can  be  sliced  into
         equally-spaced strips.  Objects may be of any dimension (but
         see the BUGS section).
         Options are:
         -g value-or-point
         -l value-or-point
              Select the portion of the object where the function  is
              greater  than  (-g)  or less than (-l) the given value.
              If both are specified, the result is the portion of the
              object satisfying both conditions.
              If, rather than a single number, the argument to -l  or
              -g  is  a point (a series of x,y,z,... values separated
              by commas, with no embedded blanks), then the  clipping
              surface is one chosen to pass through that point.
         -v axisx,y,z,...
              Specifies a direction in space.   For  planar  clipping
              (the  default),  it's  the  plane normal direction; the
              clipping function is  the  inner  product  between  the
              direction  vector  and  the  point  on the object.  For
              cylindrical clipping, -v specifies the direction of the
              cylinder's  axis; the clipping function is the distance
              from the axis.
         -sph centerx,y,z,...
              Clip against spheres centered on x,y,z,....  The  clip-
              ping  function  is  the distance from the given center.
              Coordinates must be separated by commas without  inter-
              vening spaces.
         -cyl centerx,y,z,...
              Clip against cylinders with  an  axis  passing  through
              centerx,y,z,...,  with  axis  direction given by the -v
              option.  The clipping function is the distance from the
         -s nslices[,fraction]
              Clip an object into a series of nslices  ribbons  span-
              ning  its entire extent -- the range of function-values
              over the object.  Part of each ribbon is  omitted;  the
              fraction,  default  .5,  sets  the width of the visible
              part of a ribbon compared to the ribbon period.   There
              are  a  total  of  (nslices+fraction-1)  ribbon periods
              across the object, so e.g. -s 2,.5  slices  the  object
              into equal thirds, omitting the middle third.  The out-
              put OOGL object is a LIST of OFFs, one per ribbon.
         -e   Don't emit  a  clipped  OOGL  object,  just  print  two
              numbers,  listing  the  minimum  and  maximum  function
              values for the object.  If -g or  -l  clipping  options
              are specified, the object is clipped before determining
              the function range.  If none  of  the  object  remains,
              clip prints "0 0".
         To extract the portion of an object lying below the  x+y+z=1
           clip -l 1  -v 1,1,1  file.oogl  > portion.oogl
         To extract the portion of an object lying  in  the  positive
         octant  and  below  the  x+y+z=1 plane, we can pipe multiple
         instances of clip  together  to  find  the  intersection  of
         several half-spaces:
           clip -g 0  -v 1,0,0 file.oogl | \
              clip -g 0 -v 0,1,0 | \
              clip -g 0 -v 0,0,1 | \
              clip -l 1 -v 1,1,1 > portion.oogl
         To find the region lying between two surfaces (either  above
         one  and  below  the other, or below the first and above the
         second), say the planes 2x + y -.5z = 1 and y + 2z = 0:
              echo "{ LIST"
              clip -v 2,1,-.5 -g 1  file.oogl | clip -v 0,1,2 -l 0
              clip -v 2,1,-.5 -l 1  file.oogl | clip -v 0,1,2 -g 0
              echo "}"
         We use pipelines to compute intersections,  and  a  LIST  to
         form their union.
         Uses anytooff(1) to convert input data to OFF format  inter-
         nally;  this  can  lose  information.   The  only arbitrary-
         dimensional form accepted at present is nOFF, not  nSKEL  or
         nMESH.   However  the  four-dimensional  4OFF, 4QUAD, 4MESH,
         4VECT, etc. formats should work.
         Clip really only clips edges.  If a curved clipping  surface
         cuts  an  edge twice, or removes only an interior portion of
         some polygon, clip misses it entirely.  Clipping  against  a
         curved  surface yields a straight edge (a chord of the ideal
         curved edge segment).  This latter failing  might  be  fixed

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