lynx - a general purpose distributed information browser for the World Wide Web
use "lynx -help" to display a complete list of current options.
Lynx can be used to access information on the World Wide Web, or to build information systems intended primarily for local access. For example, Lynx has been used to build several Campus Wide Information Systems (CWIS). In addition, Lynx can be used to build systems isolated within a single LAN.
Lynx uses only long option names. Option names can begin with double dash as well, underscores and dashes can be intermixed in option names (in the reference below options are with one dash before them and with underscores).
lynx -dump
merge hidden links show up as bracketed numbers and are numbered together with other links in the sequence of their occurrence in the document.
listonly hidden links are shown only on L)ist screens and listings generated by -dump or from the P)rint menu, but appear separately at the end of those lists. This is the default behavior.
ignore hidden links do not appear even in listings.
all - restricts all options listed below.
bookmark - disallow changing the location of the bookmark file.
bookmark_exec - disallow execution links via the bookmark file.
change_exec_perms - disallow changing the eXecute permission on files (but still allow it for directories) when local file management is enabled.
default - same as command line option -anonymous. Disables default services for anonymous users. Set to all restricted, except for: inside_telnet, outside_telnet, inside_ftp, outside_ftp, inside_rlogin, outside_rlogin, inside_news, outside_news, telnet_port, jump, mail, print, exec, and goto. The settings for these, as well as additional goto restrictions for specific URL schemes that are also applied, are derived from definitions within userdefs.h.
dired_support - disallow local file management.
disk_save - disallow saving to disk in the download and print menus.
dotfiles - disallow access to, or creation of, hidden (dot) files.
download - disallow some downloaders in the download menu (does not imply disk_save restriction).
editor - disallow external editing.
exec - disable execution scripts.
exec_frozen - disallow the user from changing the local execution option.
externals - disallow some "EXTERNAL" configuration lines if support for passing URLs to external applications (with the EXTERN command) is compiled in.
file_url - disallow using G)oto, served links or bookmarks for file: URLs.
goto - disable the 'g' (goto) command.
inside_ftp - disallow ftps for people coming from inside your domain (utmp required for selectivity).
inside_news - disallow USENET news posting for people coming from inside your domain (utmp required for selectivity).
inside_rlogin - disallow rlogins for people coming from inside your domain (utmp required for selectivity).
inside_telnet - disallow telnets for people coming from inside your domain (utmp required for selectivity).
jump - disable the 'j' (jump) command.
multibook - disallow multiple bookmarks.
mail - disallow mail.
news_post - disallow USENET News posting.
options_save - disallow saving options in .lynxrc.
outside_ftp - disallow ftps for people coming from outside your domain (utmp required for selectivity).
outside_news - disallow USENET news reading and posting for people coming from outside your domain (utmp required for selectivity). This restriction applies to "news", "nntp", "newspost", and "newsreply" URLs, but not to "snews", "snewspost", or "snewsreply" in case they are supported.
outside_rlogin - disallow rlogins for people coming from outside your domain (utmp required for selectivity).
outside_telnet - disallow telnets for people coming from outside your domain (utmp required for selectivity).
print - disallow most print options.
shell - disallow shell escapes and lynxexec or lynxprog G)oto's.
suspend - disallow Unix Control-Z suspends with escape to shell.
telnet_port - disallow specifying a port in telnet G)oto's.
useragent - disallow modifications of the User-Agent header.
Others may be created or modified by Lynx to pass data to an external program, or for other reasons. These are listed separately below.
See also the sections on SIMULATED CGI SUPPORT and NATIVE LANGUAGE SUPPORT, below.
Note: Not all environment variables apply to all types of platforms supported by Lynx, though most do. Feedback on platform dependencies is solicited.
Environment Variables Used By Lynx:
Environment Variables Set or Modified By Lynx:
When executing such "lynxcgi scripts" (if enabled), the following variables may be set for simulating a CGI environment:
Other environment variables are not inherited by the script, unless they are provided via a LYNXCGI_ENVIRONMENT statement in the configuration file. See the lynx.cfg file, and the (draft) CGI 1.1 Specification <http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/cgi/draft-coar-cgi-v11-00.txt> for the definition and usage of these variables.
The CGI Specification, and other associated documentation, should be consulted for general information on CGI script programming.
The following environment variables may be used to alter default settings:
If you wish to contribute to the further development of Lynx, subscribe to our mailing list. Send email to <> with "subscribe lynx-dev" as the only line in the body of your message.
Send bug reports, comments, suggestions to <> after subscribing.
Unsubscribe by sending email to <> with "unsubscribe lynx-dev" as the only line in the body of your message. Do not send the unsubscribe message to the lynx-dev list, itself.
Note that man page availability and section numbering is somewhat platform dependent, and may vary from the above references.
A section shown as (GNU), is intended to denote that the topic may be available via an info page, instead of a man page (i.e., try "info subject", rather than "man subject").
A section shown as (?) denotes that documentation on the topic exists, but is not part of an established documentation retrieval system (see the distribution files associated with the topic, or contact your System Administrator for further information).
Foteos Macrides
Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research
Shrewsbury, Massachusetts 01545
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Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov Добавить, Поддержать, Вебмастеру |