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smb ()
  • >> smb (4) ( Solaris man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )
  • smb (4) ( FreeBSD man: Специальные файлы /dev/* )


    smb - configuration properties for Solaris CIFS server


    Behavior of the Solaris CIFS server is defined by property values that are stored in the Service Management Facility, smf(5).

    An authorized user can use the sharectl(1M) command to set global values for these properties in SMF.

    The following list describes the properties:


    Specifies the site configured in DNS to look up Active Directory information. An Active Directory site is the local Active Directory NT domain name that has a different subnet controlling the Active Directory server.

    The value should not be set if you do not have a local Active Directory site or if the same subnet is used by the local Active Directory NT domain. By default, no value is set.


    Specifies the full path for the autohome map file, The default path is /etc.


    Enables or disables dynamic DNS updates. A value of true enables dynamic updates, while a value of false disables dynamic updates. By default, the value is false.


    Specifies the number of seconds before an idle SMB connection is dropped by the Solaris CIFS server. If set to 0, idle connections are not dropped. Valid values are 0 and from 20 seconds and above. The default value is 5400 seconds.


    Specifies the LAN Manager (LM) authentication level. The LM compatibility level controls the type of user authentication to use in workgroup mode or domain mode. The default value is 3.

    The following describes the behavior at each level.


    In Windows workgroup mode, the Solaris CIFS server accepts LM, NTLM, LMv2, and NTLMv2 responses. In NT domain mode, the SMB redirector on the Solaris CIFS server sends NTLM responses.


    In Windows workgroup mode, the Solaris CIFS server accepts LM, NTLM, LMv2, and NTLMv2 responses. In NT domain mode, the SMB redirector on the Solaris CIFS server sends LMv2 and NTLMv2 responses.


    In Windows workgroup mode, the Solaris CIFS server accepts NTLM, LMv2, and NTLMv2 responses. In NT domain mode, the SMB redirector on the Solaris CIFS server sends LMv2 and NTLMv2 responses.


    In Windows workgroup mode, the Solaris CIFS server accepts LMv2 and NTLMv2 responses. In NT domain mode, the SMB redirector on the Solaris CIFS server sends LMv2 and NTLMv2 responses.


    Specifies the NetBIOS scope identifier, which identifies logical NetBIOS networks that are on the same physical network. When you specify a NetBIOS scope identifier, the server is only able to communicate with other systems that have the same scope defined. The value is a text string that represents a domain name and is limited to 16 characters. By default, no value is set.

    Most environments do not require the use of the NetBIOS scope feature. If you must use this feature, ensure that you track the scope identifier assigned to each node.


    Enables or disables opportunistic lock (oplock) support on the Solaris CIFS server. A Solaris CIFS server grants an oplock to a client process so that the client can cache data for while the lock is in place. When the server revokes the oplock, the client flushes its cached data to the server.

    A value of true enables oplock support, while a value of false disables oplock support. The default value is true.

    Oplocks can typically be left enabled to obtain the performance benefits of client-side caching. In some circumstances, such as with some database applications, the application vendor might recommend that client-side caching be disabled to ensure that transactions are always committed immediately to the server.


    Specifies the preferred IP address for the domain controller. This property is sometimes used when there are multiple domain controllers to indicate which one is preferred. If the specified domain controller responds, it is chosen even if the other domain controllers are also available. By default, no value is set.


    Disables anonymous access to IPC$, which requires that the client be authenticated to get access to MS-RPC services through IPC$. A value of true enables anonymous access to IPC$, while a value of false disables this anonymous access. The default value is false.


    Specifies an optional description for the system, which is a text string. This property value might appear in various places, such as Network Neighborhood or Network Places on Windows clients. By default, no value is set.


    Specifies a comma-separated list of IP addresses that are to be excluded from WINS registration when a WINS server is configured. By default, no value is set.


    Specifies the IP address of the primary WINS server. By default, no value is set.


    Specifies the IP address of the secondary WINS server. By default, no value is set.



    See the attributes(5) man page for descriptions of the following attributes:



    Interface Stability



    sharectl(1M), smbadm(1M), smbd(1M), smbstat(1M), attributes(5), smf(5)




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