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mcedit ()
  • >> mcedit (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • mcedit (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         mcedit - Full featured terminal text  editor  for  Unix-like
         mcedit [[+number] file [-bcCdfhstVx?]]
         Mcedit is a link to mc, the Midnight Commander,  forcing  it
         to  immediately  start  its internal editor. The editor is a
         terminal version of the cooledit standalone X Window editor.
              Go  to the line specified by number (do  not  insert  a
              space between the "+" sign and the number).
         -b   Forces black and white display.
         -c   Force color mode on terminals where mcedit defaults  to
              black and white.
         -C <keyword>=<FGcolor>,<BGcolor>:<keyword>= ...
              Used to specify a different color set, where keyword is
              one  of  normal,  selected, marked, markselect, errors,
              reverse menu, menusel, menuhot, menuhotsel  and  gauge.
              The  colors  are  optional  and are one of black, gray,
              red,  brightred,  green,  brightgreen,  brown,  yellow,
              blue,   brightblue,   magenta,   brightmagenta,   cyan,
              brightcyan, lightgray and white.  See the  Colors  sec-
              tion in mc.1 for more information.
         -d   Disables mouse support.
         -f   Displays the compiled-in search paths for Midnight Com-
              mander files.
         -t   Used only if the code was compiled with Slang and  ter-
              minfo: it makes the Midnight Commander use the value of
              the  TERMCAP  variable  for  the  terminal  information
              instead  of the information on the system wide terminal
         -V   Displays the version of the program.
         -x   Forces xterm mode.  Used when running on  xterm-capable
              terminals  (two  screen  modes,  and able to send mouse
              escape sequences).
         The internal file editor provides most of  the  features  of
         common  full  screen editors. It has an extensible file size
         limit of sixteen megabytes  and  edits  binary  files  flaw-
         lessly.  The features it presently supports are: Block copy,
         move, delete, cut, paste;  key  for  key  undo  ;  pull-down
         menus;  file insertion; macro definition; regular expression
         search and replace (and  our  own  scanf-printf  search  and
         replace);  shift-arrow  MSW-MAC  text  highlighting (for the
         linux console only); insert-overwrite toggle;  word-wrap;  a
         variety  of tabbing options; syntax highlighting for various
         file types; and an option to pipe text blocks through  shell
         commands like indent and ispell.
         The editor is very easy to use and requires no tutoring.  To
         see  what  keys  do what, just consult the appropriate pull-
         down menu. Other keys  are:  Shift  movement  keys  do  text
         highlighting  (Linux  console  only). Ctrl-Ins copies to the
         file  ~/.cedit/cooledit.clip,  and  Shift-Ins  pastes   from
         ~/.cedit/cooledit.clip.        Shift-Del       cuts       to
         ~/.cedit/cooledit.clip,  and  Ctrl-Del  deletes  highlighted
         text - all linux console only. The completion key (see mc.1)
         also does a hard return without an automatic  indent.  Mouse
         highlighting  also  works, and you can override the mouse as
         usual by holding down the shift key while dragging the mouse
         to let normal terminal mouse highlighting work.
         To define a macro, press Ctrl-R and then type  out  the  key
         strokes  you  want  to  be executed. Press Ctrl-R again when
         finished. You can then assign the macro to any key you  like
         by  pressing  that key. The macro is executed when you press
         Ctrl-A and then the assigned key. The macro is also executed
         if  you  press Meta, Ctrl, or Esc and the assigned key, pro-
         vided that the key is not used for any other function.  Once
         defined,    the    macro   commands   go   into   the   file
         ~/.cedit/cooledit.macros.  Do NOT edit this file unless  you
         are  not  going to use macros again in the same editing ses-
         sion, because Mcedit caches macro  key  defines  in  memory.
         Mcedit  now  overwrites a macro if a macro with the same key
         already exists, so you won't have to  edit  this  file.  You
         will  also  have to restart other running editors for macros
         to take effect.
         F19 will format C code when it is highlighted. For  this  to
         work,  make  an executable file called .cedit/edit.indent.rc
         in your home directory containing the following:
              # Use $HOME instead of ~ if this doesn't work.
              # You may also have to use a different redirection
              # syntax for some machines.
              /usr/bin/indent -kr -pcs ~/.cedit/cooledit.block >& /dev/null
              cat /dev/null > ~/.cedit/cooledit.error
         C-p will run ispell on a block of text in a similar way. The
         file is .cedit/edit.spell.rc
              # Use $HOME instead of ~ if this doesn't work.
              # You may also have to use a different redirection
              # syntax for some machines.
              /usr/local/bin/ispell ~/.cedit/cooledit.block >& /dev/null
              cat /dev/null > ~/.cedit/cooledit.error
    Redefining Keys
         Keys may be redefined from the  Midnight  Commander  options
         As of version 3.6.0, cooledit has syntax highlighting.  This
         means  that  keywords  and contexts (like C comments, string
         constants, etc) are highlighted in  different  colours.  The
         following   section   explains   the   format  of  the  file
         The file ~/.cedit/syntax is rescanned on opening  of  a  any
         new  editor  file. The file contains rules for highlighting,
         each of which is given on a separate line, and define  which
         keywords  will  be  highlighted  to what colour. The file is
         also divided into sections, each beginning with a line  with
         the file command, followed by a regular expression. The reg-
         ular expression dictates the file  name  that  that  set  of
         rules  applies  to.  Following  this  is a description to be
         printed on the left of the editor window explaining the file
         type  to  the  user.  A third optional argument is a regular
         expression to match the first line of text of the  file.  If
         either  the  file  name  matches, or the first line of text,
         then those rules will be loaded.
         A section ends with the start of a new section. Each section
         is divided into contexts, and each context contains rules. A
         context is a scope within the text that a particular set  of
         rules  belongs to. For instance, the region within a C style
         comment (i.e. between /* and */) has its own colour. This is
         a  context, although it will have no further rules inside it
         because there is probably nothing that we  want  highlighted
         within a C comment.
         A trivial C programming section might look like this:
         file .\*\\.c C\sProgram\sFile (#include|/\\\*)
         wholechars abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_
         # default colors
         context default
           keyword  whole  if       24
           keyword  whole  else     24
           keyword  whole  for      24
           keyword  whole  while    24
           keyword  whole  do       24
           keyword  whole  switch   24
           keyword  whole  case     24
           keyword  whole  static   24
           keyword  whole  extern   24
           keyword         {        14
           keyword         }        14
           keyword         '*'      6
         # C comments
         context /\* \*/ 22
         # C preprocessor directives
         context linestart # \n 18
           keyword  \\\n  24
         # C string constants
         context " " 6
           keyword  %d    24
           keyword  %s    24
           keyword  %c    24
           keyword  \\"   24
         Each context starts with a line of the form:
         context [exclusive] [whole|wholeright|wholeleft] [linestart]
         delim [linestart] delim [foreground] [background]
         One exception is the first context. It must start  with  the
         context default [foreground] [background]
         or else cooledit will return an error.
         The linestart option dictates that delim must start  at  the
         beginning of a line.
         The whole option tells that delim must be a whole word. What
         constitutes a whole word are a set of characters that can be
         changed at any point in the file with  the  wholechars  com-
         mand.  The  wholechars  command at the top just sets the set
         exactly to its default and could therefore have  been  omit-
         ted.  To specify that a word must be whole on the left only,
         you can use the  wholeleft  option,  and  similarly  on  the
         right.  The  left  and  right  set  of characters can be set
         separately with,
         wholechars [left|right] characters
         The exclusive option causes the text between the  delimiters
         to be highlighted, but not the delimiters themselves.
         Each rule is a line of the form:
         keyword  [whole|wholeright|wholeleft]   [linestart]   string
         foreground [background]
         Context or keyword strings are interpreted so that  you  can
         include  tabs  and spaces with the sequences \t and \s. New-
         lines and the \ are specified with \n and  \\  respectively.
         Since  whitespace is used as a separator, it may not be used
         explicitedly. Also, \* must be used to specify a  *.  The  *
         itself  is a wildcard that matches any length of characters.
         For example,
           keyword         '*'      6
         colours all C single character constants  green.  You  could
         also have used
           keyword         "*"      6
         to colour string constants, except that the  matched  string
         may not cross newlines. The wildcard may be used within con-
         text delimiters as well, but you cannot have a  wildcard  as
         the last or first character.
         Important to note is the line
           keyword  \\\n  24
         This line defines a keyword containing  the  \  and  newline
         characters.   Because keywords have a higher precedence than
         context delimiters, this keyword prevents the  context  from
         ending  at  the  end  of a line if the line ends in a \ thus
         allowing C preprocessor directive to continue across  multi-
         ple lines.
         The  colours  themselves  are  numbered  0  to  26  and  are
         explained  below in FURTHER BEHAVIORAL OPTIONS. You can also
         use   any    of    the    named    colors    specified    in
         /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt, though only one word versions of them.
         It is better to stick to the numerical colors to  limit  use
         of the color palette.
         Comments may be included on a line of there  own  and  begin
         with a #.
         Because of the simplicity of the implementation, there are a
         few  intricacies  that  will not be coped with correctly but
         these are a minor irritation. On the whole, a broad spectrum
         of  quite complicated situations are handled with these sim-
         ple rules. It is a good idea to take a look  at  the  syntax
         file  to see some of the nifty tricks you can do with a lit-
         tle imagination. If you can't get by with the rules  I  have
         coded,  and  you think you have a rule that would be useful,
         please email me with your request. However, do not  ask  for
         regular   expression   support,   because   this  is  flatly
         A useful hint is to work with as much as possible  with  the
         things  you  can  do  rather than try to do things that this
         implementation can't cope with. Also remember that  the  aim
         of  syntax highlighting is to make programming less prone to
         error, not to make code look pretty.
         The default colors  may  be  changed  by  appending  to  the
         MC_COLOR_TABLE  environment  variable.  Foreground and back-
         ground colors pairs may be specified for example with:
         Most options can now be set from the editors options  dialog
         box. See the Options menu. The following options are defined
         in You can modify them to change  the  editor  behavior,  by  .
         editing  the  file. Unless specified, a 1 sets the option to  .
         on, and a 0 sets it to off, as is usual.                      .
         use_internal_edit                                                  ..
              This option is ignored when invoking mcedit.             .
         editor_key_emulation                                               ..
              1 for Emacs keys, and 0 for normal Cooledit keys.        .
         editor_tab_spacing                                                 ..
              Interpret  the  tab  character as being of this length.  .
              Default is 8. You should avoid using other than 8 since  .
              most  other editors and text viewers assume a tab spac-  .
              ing of  8.  Use  editor_fake_half_tabs  to  simulate  a  .
              smaller tab spacing.                                     .
         editor_fill_tabs_with_spaces                                       ..
              Never  insert  a tab space. Rather insert spaces (ascii  .
              20h) to fill to the desired tab size.                    .
         editor_return_does_auto_indent                                     ..
              Pressing  return  will tab across to match the indenta-  .
              tion of the first line above that has text on it.        .
         editor_backspace_through_tabs                                      ..
              Make  a  single  backspace  delete all the space to the  .
              left margin if there is no text between the cursor  and  .
              the left margin.                                         .
         editor_fake_half_tabs                                              ..
              This will emulate a half tab for those who want to pro-  .
              gram with a tab spacing of 4, but do not want  the  tab  .
              size changed from 8 (so that the code will be formatted  .
              the same when displayed by other programs). When  edit-  .
              ing  between  text and the left margin, moving and tab-  .
              bing will be as though a tab space were 4, while  actu-  .
              ally  using spaces and normal tabs for an optimal fill.  .
              When editing anywhere else, a normal tab is inserted.    .
         editor_option_save_mode                                            ..
              (0,  1 or 2.) The save mode (see the options menu also)  .
              allows you to change the method of saving a file. Quick  .
              save  (0) saves the file by immediately, truncating the  .
              disk file to zero length  (i.e.  erasing  it)  and  the  .
              writing the editor contents to the file. This method is  .
              fast, but dangerous, since a system error during a file  .
              save will leave the file only partially written, possi-  .
              bly rendering the data irretrievable. When saving,  the  .
              safe  save  (1)  option enables creation of a temporary  .
              file into which the file contents are first written. In  .
              the   event   of  an  problem,  the  original  file  is  .
              untouched. When  the  temporary  file  is  successfully  .
              written,  it  is  renamed  to  the name of the original  .
              file, thus replacing it. The safest  method  is  create  .
              backups  (2). Where a backup file is created before any  .
              changes are made. You can specify your own backup  file  .
              extension  in  the  dialog. Note that saving twice will  .
              replace your backup as well as your original file.       .
    Miscellaneous                                                      .
         (Scanf search and replace have previously not  worked  prop-  .
         erly.   With  this release, problems with search and replace  .
         have been fixed.)                                             .
         You can use scanf search and replace to search and replace a  .
         C format string. First take a look at the sscanf and sprintf  .
         man pages to see what a format string is and how  it  works.  .
         An  example  is  as follows: Suppose you want to replace all  .
         occurrences of say, an open bracket, three  comma  separated  .
         numbers,  and  a  close  bracket,  with the word apples, the  .
         third number, the word oranges and then the  second  number,  .
         you would fill in the Replace dialog box as follows:          .
         Enter search string                                           .
         (%d,%d,%d)                                                    .
         Enter replace string                                          .
         apples %d oranges %d                                          .
         Enter replacement argument order                              .
         3,2                                                           .
         The last line specifies that the third and then  the  second  .
         number are to be used in place of the first and second.       .
         It is advisable to use this feature with Prompt  On  Replace  .
         on,  because  a  match  is  thought to be found whenever the  .
         number of arguments found matches the number given, which is  .
         not  always  a  real  match. Scanf also treats whitespace as  .
         being elastic.  Note that the scanf format %[ is very useful  .
         for scanning strings, and whitespace.                         .
         The editor also  displays  non-us  characters  (160+).  When  .
         editing  binary files, you should set display bits to 7 bits  .
         in the Midnight Commander options menu to keep  the  spacing  .
         clean.                                                        .
    FILES                                                              .
         /usr/local/mc.hlp                                             .
              The help file for the program.                           .
         /usr/local/lib/mc/mc.ini                                      .
              The  default  system-wide  setup  for the Midnight Com-  .
              mander, used only if the user lacks his  own  ~/.mc.ini  .
              file.                                                    .
         /usr/local/lib/mc/mc.lib                                      .
              Global  settings  for the Midnight Commander.  Settings  .
              in this file are global to any Midnight  Commander,  it  .
              is useful to define site-global terminal settings.       .
         $HOME/.mc.ini                                                 .
              User's  own  setup.  If  this  file is present then the  .
              setup is loaded from here instead  of  the  system-wide  .
              startup file.                                            .
         $HOME/.cedit/                                                 .
              User's own temporary directory where block commands are  .
              processed and saved.                                     .
    LICENSE                                                            .
         This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU  Gen-  .
         eral  Public License as published by the Free Software Foun-  .
         dation. See the built-in help of the Midnight Commander  for  .
         details on the License and the lack of warranty.              .
    AVAILABILITY                                                       .
         The  latest  version  of  this  program  can  be  found   at  .  in  the directory /linux/local and from  .
         Europe at in the directory  /GNU/mc  and  .
         at in the directory /lmb/mc. The X Window ver-  .
         sion    can    be    found     at     in  .
         /pub/Linux/apps/editors/X   or   at  in  .
         /pub/unix/cooledit.                                           .
    SEE ALSO                                                           .
         cooledit(1), mc(1), gpm(1), terminfo(1), scanf(3).            .
    AUTHORS                                                            .
         Paul Sheer ( is the developer  of  the  .
         Midnight Commander's internal editor.                         .
    BUGS                                                               .
         See the file README.edit in the distribution for more infor-  .
         mation.                                                       .

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    Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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