NAME LessTif - a free replacement of OSF/Motif SYNOPSIS LessTif is a free replacement for OSF/MotifO. As with MotifO, LessTif consists of a widget set, a window manager, and a UIL implementation (libMrm and the UIL com- piler). In LessTif, our main area of attention is the widget set. We also have a working window manager; but UIL is not under very active development. LessTif is licensed under the LGPL, the Library Gnu Public License. The license itself accompanies LessTif in the file COPYING.LIB. More information can be obtained from the Free Software Foundation. SEE ALSO LessTif Documentation Clients mwm(1) xmbind(1) Other widget sets xbae(1) xlt(1) Widgets XmFileSelectionBox(3) XmArrowButton(3) XmArrowBut- tonGadget(3) XmBulletinBoard(3) XmCascadeButton(3) XmCas- cadeButtonGCacheObj(3) XmCascadeButtonGadget(3) XmCom- boBox(3) XmCommand(3) XmDesktop(3) XmDialogShell(3) XmDi- alogShellExt(3) XmDisplay(3) XmDragContext(3) XmDragIcon(3) XmDragOverShell(3) XmDrawingArea(3) XmDrawnButton(3) XmDrop- SiteManager(3) XmDropTransfer(3) XmFileSelectionBox(3) XmForm(3) XmFrame(3) XmGadget(3) XmGrabShell(3) XmIconGCacheObj(3) XmIconGadget(3) XmLabel(3) XmLa- belGCacheObj(3) XmLabelGadget(3) XmList(3) XmMainWindow(3) XmManager(3) XmMenuShell(3) XmMessageBox(3) XmNotebook(3) XmPanedWindow(3) XmPrimitive(3) XmProtocol(3) XmPushBut- ton(3) XmPushButtonGCacheObj(3) XmPushButtonGadget(3) XmRowColumn(3) XmSash(3) XmScale(3) XmScreen(3) XmScrollBar(3) XmScrolledWindow(3) XmSelectionBox(3) XmSeparator(3) XmSeparatorGCacheObj(3) XmSeparatorGadget(3) XmSpinBox(3) XmTearOffButton(3) XmText(3) XmTextField(3) XmToggleButton(3) XmToggleButtonGCacheObj(3) XmToggleBut- tonGadget(3) XmVendorShellExt(3) XmWorld(3) File Formats mwmrc(5) Utility Functions XmClipboard(3) LessTifInternals(3) Internet The LessTif home page . The Free Software Foundation (FSF) home page . The OpenGroup (owners of OSF/MotifO and the X Window System) home page .
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