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"Выпуск Rust 1.72. Решение поставлять макрос  serde_derive только в скомпилированном виде"
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. "Выпуск Rust 1.72. Поставка пакета serde_derive только в ском..." –1 +/
Сообщение от Ананимус (?), 26-Авг-23, 11:41 
Грустно быть опеннетчиком. Читаем оригинал:

Currently Windows 7 and 8 are listed as Tier 1 supported platforms. However, this has not been true for a long long time. We simply do not have the testing infrastructure. And with so much software now abandoning Windows 7 and 8 (everything from Git to Go to every major browser), continuing to provide the little support that we do is only getting more difficult. There is also a lack of vendor support for these targets.


Support for Windows 7 and 8 may continue beyond these dates through the creation of new "legacy" targets for older Windows versions. Individuals or organisation(s) who can commit to providing some level of legacy testing and support should go through the normal process for creating new targets.

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Выпуск Rust 1.72. Решение поставлять макрос  serde_derive только в скомпилированном виде, opennews, 24-Авг-23, 21:52  [смотреть все]
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