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"Переполнение буфера в OpenSSL, эксплуатируемое при проверке сертификатов X.509 "
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. "Переполнение буфера в OpenSSL, эксплуатируемое при проверке ..." +3 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (143), 03-Ноя-22, 08:12 
Братья сишники спасайте, мне что теперь, от телефона отказываться?

In Android, Kleidermacher says a lot of encryption-key-management features are now written in Rust, as is the private internet communication feature DNS over HTTPS, a new version of the ultra-wideband chip stack, and the new Android Virtualization Framework used in Google's custom Tensor G2 chips. He adds that the Android team is increasingly converting connectivity stacks like those for Bluetooth and Wi-Fi to Rust because they are based on complex industry standards and tend to contain a lot of vulnerabilities. In short, the strategy is to start getting incremental security benefits from converting the most exposed or vital software components to Rust first and then working inward from there.

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Переполнение буфера в OpenSSL, эксплуатируемое при проверке сертификатов X.509 , opennews, 01-Ноя-22, 20:00  [смотреть все]
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