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"Выпуск языка программирования Rust 1.58"
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. "Выпуск языка программирования Rust 1.58" +2 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (267), 16-Янв-22, 00:28 
"This issue of slow adoption of Rust programming language was first noticed in Stack Overflow’s 2019 survey. There we saw that majority of developers had a positive outlook towards Rust, but 97% of them had never actually used it."

Хахахахаха! Многим нравится Раст, но мало кто программирует на нем.

"Interestingly, Google once used Rust programming language in several components of Fuchsia, which is touted to be the replacement for Android. However, after reassessment, it decided not to support Rust anymore because none of its current end-developers were using it, and it was neither a widely-used language."

Ну все.

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Выпуск языка программирования Rust 1.58, opennews, 14-Янв-22, 10:42  [смотреть все]
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