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"OpenNews: Настройка squid с авторизацией в Active Directory"
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. "Настройка squid с авторизацией в Active Directory" +/
Сообщение от Николай Поповemail (?), 07-Ноя-07, 02:13 
> По-моему сам winbind кеширует ответы

man(8) winbindd
-n Disable  caching.  This means winbindd will always have to
          wait for a response from the domain controller  before  it
          can respond to a client and this thus makes things slower.
          The results will however be more accurate,  since  results
          from  the  cache  might not be up-to-date. This might also
          temporarily hang winbindd if the DC doesn't respond.

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OpenNews: Настройка squid с авторизацией в Active Directory, opennews, 06-Ноя-07, 21:25  [смотреть все]
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