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"Анонсирована внутриядерная реализация WireGuard для OpenBSD"
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. "Анонсирована внутриядерная реализация WireGuard для OpenBSD" +3 +/
Сообщение от Дон Ягон (ok), 12-Май-20, 13:36 
> Вот интересно, почему автор выбрал самую маргинальную и ненужную из всех *bsd?

От любви большой.

"On a personal note, I've kind of gazed enviously at OpenBSD for years, and gladly devoured its general philosophy of programming simple and secure systems. In many ways, WireGuard itself was inspired by the simplicity of approaches found in OpenBSD and the elegance of those interfaces so fastidiously documented in the man pages. So, you might regard it as just a weird historical accident of my own kernel development that this was on Linux, because the influence of the project has clearly been from OpenBSD."

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Анонсирована внутриядерная реализация WireGuard для OpenBSD, opennews, 12-Май-20, 07:50  [смотреть все]
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