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"Выпущена альфа-версия нового XMPP-сервера Xabber Server"
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. "Выпущена альфа-версия нового XMPP-сервера Xabber Server" –2 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (90), 15-Сен-19, 17:59 
Разве? Им просто за это никто не платит

> And I'll go on creating software as I like it and as my customers require it - and so far we didn't have any customers who would pay us for development of OMEMO in Xabber. You see, there is no real market demand for that, unlike, say, iOS version of Xabber, proper group chats or voice and video calls and fast device synchronization that we're working on now. Hope that makes my argument clear.
> Official public offer:
> Anyone who wants us to add OMEMO functionality to Xabber for Android should pay us 1 bitcoin. Adding it to iOS and Web version would cost additional 0.5 bitcoin each. With this, I'm locking down this thread until further notice.

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Выпущена альфа-версия нового XMPP-сервера Xabber Server, opennews, 14-Сен-19, 22:27  [смотреть все]
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